Chapter 4 - Profiles of Software Systems and Tools

CLASS 1: Cost-Estimating Software Systems1

1. Composer Gold/MCACES
3. Freiman Analysis of System Techniques (FAST)
4. G2 Estimator
5. Hard Dollar EOS
6. Precision Estimating Plus
7. Success

Abbreviated Profiles of Cost Estimating Tools

9. ASAPMS Housekeeper
10. Cost Engineer
11. Cost Estimating
12. Enhanced Cost Estimating Relationship Program
13. Esccomate Piping/DWV and Sheetmetal/Ductwork Estimating
14. PACES (Parametric Cost Engineering System)
15. Pulsar
16. Questimate 8.1
17. Richardson RACE (Rapid Access Cost Estimating) System
18. StreetSmarts
19. WinEst

CLASS 2: Scheduling and Cost Control/Analysis Software Systems2

High-End Scheduling

1. Dekker TRAKKER Project Management System
2. Open Plan Professional
3. Primavera Project Planner (P3)
4. Project Execution System (PXS)

Low-High End Scheduling

6. Project Scheduler 6 Version 1.5

Low-End Scheduling

7. Texim Project for Windows

Cost Control/Analysis

8. Cobra 2.0
9. Cost Time Management (CTM)
10. EasyABC Plus
11. Parade

Abbreviated Profiles

13. P/X

CLASS 3: Risk Assessment and Contingency Analysis Software Systems3

Generic Risk Assessment

1. MOUSE (Modular Oriented Uncertainty SystEm)

Project Risk/Contingency

2. Independent Cost Estimating Contingency Analyzer (ICECAN)
3. Monte Carlo
4. Range Estimating (REP)

Abbreviated Profiles

5. Environmental Risk Management Information System (ERMIS)

CLASS 4: Remediation Project-Related Software Systems

Cost Estimation 4, Scheduling

1. * HAZRISK (database and models)
2. *Remedial Action Cost Engineering and Requirements System(RACER)/ENVEST
3. *Remedial Action Cost Estimating System (RACES)

RI/RF: Planning and Risk Analysis

4. *RAAS, MEPAS and ReOpt

Cost Tracking 5

5. *Removal Cost Management System (RCMS) Version 4.2

CLASS 5: Environmental Management and Regulatory Compliance Software Systems

Facility Management and Environmental Health and Safety

2. *DataPipe
3. *Environmental Management System (EMS)
4. *Facility Tracking System (FacTS)
5. *FLOW GEMINI Information System-EIS, OHIS

Waste Management and Tracking

7. *Cradle to Grave Version 2.0 (Terralink Product Series)
8. *Docuwaste for Hazardous Waste and other CHEMTOX systems
9. *ENFLEX Data
10. *G2 Real Time Expert System, GDA and Neur-on-line
11. *Gentrax, and other Wixel products
12. *HAZE
13. *HAZMIN, and other LOGICAL products
14. *Material Inventory Report System
15. *PlantWare
16. *WASTE DBTM, and Other Envirogenics Products
17. *Waste Trail and other Corbus Systems

Abbreviated Profiles

18. Software from Environmental Software and Systems Inc.

CLASS 6: Financial Analysis Software Systems and Tools6

1. Costing and Financial Analysis of Pollution Prevention Projects
2. Economic Analysis for Pollution Prevention
3. *P2/FINANCE: Pollution Prevention Financial Analysis and Cost Evaluation System
4. Pollution Prevention Benefits Manual

Abbreviated Profiles

6. *PAPA Investment Model

CLASS 7: Environmental Life-Cycle Costing7 and Impact Analysis Software Systems and Tools

1. *APACS Life Cycle Cost Software Demonstration
3. EE Energy/Environmental Life-Cycle Assessments
4. The EPS Enviro-Accounting Method
5. *Hazardous Material Life-Cycle Cost Estimator (HAZMAT)
6. Hazardous Material Life-Cycle Cost Model: System Manager's Guide
7. *Life Cycle Costing Program-Version 2.0
8. *Models Developed for the Total System Life-Cycle Cost Analysis
9. *TEAM (Tools for Environmental Analysis and Management)
10. Tellus Packaging Study

Abbreviated Profiles

11. Abridged LCA Matrix
12. *ASEAM (A Simplified Energy Analysis Method)
13. *BLCC (Building Life Cycle Cost Program)
14. *FEDS Release 3.0

CLASS 8: Waste Reduction Software Systems and Tools

1. Avoidable Waste Management Costs at DOE Facilities
2. *Eco-AccountingSM
3. Facility Pollution Prevention Guide
4. *Historical Cost Analysis System (HCAS)
5. Industrial Waste Prevention, Guide to Developing an Effective Waste Minimization Program
6. Low-Level and Transuranic Waste Transportation, Disposal, and Facility Decommissioning Cost Sensitivity Analysis
7. Model Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment Guidance
8. Process Waste Assessment Guidance Manual
9. SRS Waste Cost Analysis
10. *Systems Cost Model (SCM)
11. Waste Cost Avoidance Model Template
12. Waste Life-Cycle Cost: Generic Guidance and Assumptions
13. *WastePlan

Proprietary Software Systems and Tools

14. *Rohm and Haas Environmental Cost Model

Case Studies

15. Activity-Based Economic Evaluation Methodology for Pollution Prevention Projects that Require Modification of the Production System
16. Paperboard versus Polystyrene (PS) Foam Clamshell Containers: A Life-Cycle Cost Analysis

Abbreviated Profiles

17. Consolidated Hazardous Material Reutilization and Inventory Control Program (CHRIMP)
18. *Decommissioning and Decontamination Cost Database
19. *GreenWareTM Software Products
20. *P2P
21. Pollution Prevention (P2) Equipment Program
22. *Strategic Waste Minimization Initiative (SWAMI)
23. *Sustainable Building Resource Specifier Database

*Software-based products.

  1. Please see the products 1-3 in Class 4 for information on cost estimating software for remediation projects. Also see items 4, 9, 10, 12, and 13 in Class7 for information on products that have a cost estimation component, although primarily for Life Cycle Cost Analysis.
  2. Item 5 in Class 5 is a cost tracking tool for remediation projects.
  3. Items 8 and 18 in Class 1, and item 2 in Class 2, have risk analysis features or modules. Item 1 in Class 4 performs uncertainty analysis. Item 4in Class 4 includes a risk computational model. Some items in Class 5 (e.g., item 6) have modules for risk analysis.
  4. Please see software systems in Class 1 for information on other cost estimating software systems.
  5. Please see items 8-11 in Class 2 for information on cost control/analysis products.
  6. Items 2-4, 8, 11, and 13 in Class 7 and items 4-6, 8, and 10 in Class 8have financial analysis components. However, financial analysis is not the primary feature of these products.
  7. Items 11, 14, and 15 in Class 8 have an LCA/LCC component.
  8. Many of the software systems covered in Class 5 have modules that address non-compliance related environmental issues. For more information, please review the summary tables in Chapter 3 and the product profiles. Items 9 and 11in Class 2 can be applied as waste reduction tools. Also, item 5 in Class 5 can be applied as a waste reduction tool.
  9. For information on some products that apply Activity Based Costing techniques, see items 1 and 10 in Class 2.
  10. For information on tools and software that employ Life Cycle Cost Analysis, see the items in Class 7.

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