ASEAM (A Simplified Energy Analysis Method)

The program is targeted to Federal Energy managers, contractors on Federal building construction projects, State and local government energy managers, and other contractors. ASEAM is a method for calculating energy consumption of residential and simple commercial buildings.

ASEAM uses the ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers) energy file closest to the area to calculate annual and monthly energy requirements. It permits evaluating options for energy conservation. ASEAM calculates monthly and annual energy consumption for buildings and allows calculations of energy savings through options such as more insulation, higher energy heat pumps, and double glass windows. By feeding in costs of these options and using BLCC to determine life-cycle costs, the economics of energy conservation can be evaluated. ASHRAE-maintained national weather data are included with the software.

It is expected that future upgrades will include manufacture-specific systems replacement and compatibility with hourly analysis techniques. The program can be obtained free of charge. ASEAM is updated every few years. The new release of ASEAM (version 5.0) is expected later in the year.

Minimum Hardware:
IBM PC with a floppy disk or equivalent; will not run on a Macintosh. The system cannot be accessed by multiple users on a network.

USDOE, Federal Energy Management Program
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585

Dean DeVine

Purchase of software
Advanced Sciences, Inc.
1525 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1200
Arlington, VA 22209

Basis for evaluation:
Based on Watson (1995).

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