Systems Cost Model (SCM)

Prepared by:
Lockheed, Idaho

Prepared for:
U.S. DOE Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM-30), under DOE Idaho Operations Office.

Financial analysis: ---
Environmental impact analysis: ---
Waste management/P2:
Environmental cost listing/database: ---
Cost estimation:
Alternative product/process comparison: ---

Parametric life-cycle cost estimation for radioactive and hazardous waste treatment and disposal. Although developed specifically for the DOE, this model could possibly be applied (with appropriate modifications) to other facilities as well.

Development/publication date and updates:
The software has been released, but additional development is continuing. A non-integrated version of SCM called the PEIS model, has been developed. The latest version was brought out in December, 1994. This deals with radioactive waste. Lockheed is currently developing the hazardous waste area of the system.

Public availability:
Information on SCM available

Purpose and current use:
The system was developed specifically for DOE facilities. SCM will support management planning for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)and DOE's cost baseline for the total program estimate. Initial users of SCM will be the Lockheed Idaho Technical Support Program and MK Environmental. Future users include DOE-HQ EM-33, EM-353, Ross and Associates, and DOE sites.

Cost information:
Free of charge to DOE facilities

Contents and system requirements:
Software, user's manual. The system is stand-alone, currently without networking capabilities. The minimum requirements for SCM:

The existing PEIS model requires:

Summary of methodology

The non-integrated version of SCM (PEIS model) has the following programming elements.

The main task will be to further automate and integrate the PEIS models. Appropriate modifications and developments for SCM are established through prototyping. SCM will not initially include the socioeconomic and bottom-up model (although they may be added later). The minimum features of SCM (Version1.0) will include the following:

The system will also include on-line help screens and other features to increase user-friendliness to allow the system to be used by a wider audience. It will also feature a report generator with expanded report generation including graphical output. Output data includes module capacities and costs.

Life-cycle stages covered

Raw material acquisition ---
Manufacturing stage ---
Use/reuse/maintenance ---
Recycle/waste management

Type of costs considered

Potentially hidden
Contingent ---
External ---

SCM includes cost input elements for items such as labor, construction, O&M,D& D, infrastructure, and costs per volume of waste. Users will have the capability to select, enter, or change data including site-specific cost factors, existing or new DOE facility cost information, commercial total or unit costs, off-site DOE treatment total or unit costs, and cost escalation factors. This may be a way to factor in contingent or external costs that have been excluded in the estimation. For example, users can change operating cost contingency percentages to factor in contingent costs due to environmental variables. Cost per unit volume of waste can be modified to include external costs. However, users will need to develop these estimates. No additional cost elements can be added.

Method of cost estimation

SCM uses cost capacity relationships and internal data that have been developed for treatment and disposal processes for radioactive waste. The cost estimating modeling techniques used in the Volume Input Model and the Waste Management Estimating Program Model will be used in SCM. The total life-cycle costs will be calculated in three different modules for the waste types. low level waste, mixed low-level waste, and transuranic waste. SCM will have an eight element WBS:

SCM estimates costs based on internal cost and schedule data, facility capacity and operating parameters, facility costs, maximum and minimum scaling factors for parametric cost/capacity equations, transportation miles and costs/mile, standard operating parameters, and a standard rate table. SCM also features waste load inventory data from 50 DOE sites including an allowance for complex cost roll-ups.

Thus, users enter input data, or accept default values for a variety of elements including waste load by site and waste type, treatment technology option by site, site schedules by site and waste type, existing or planned approved facilities, and site specific cost factors. SCM will estimate costs based on user-input and default information, and parametric relationship models.

Generation of financial indicators

Net present value (NPV) ---
Payback period ---
Internal rate of return (IRR) ---
Benefits cost ratio ---
Other ---


Although the software model is still under development, the methodology can be reviewed in a series of reports that are being prepared by Lockheed that describe preconceptual designs and planning level life-cycle cost estimates for four waste categories: Low level waste, mixed low-level waste, transuranic waste, and hazardous waste.

SCM will be designed to allow easy updating and addition of features. Users can select, enter, or change a variety of data types, which allows the evaluation of various options. Costs of new versus existing facilities can be compared. Anticipated enhancements for versions 1.3 and 2.0 include expanded integration and automation of the cost model and extensions such as risk indicators. Other considerations include interface to an interactive scheduling tool, user specification of module capacities, and variations in mass/volume reduction treatment factors to reflect technology improvements.


SCM does not include environmental liability (contingent) and external costs. No financial indicators are generated to compare options and results. However, present value analysis may be included in future versions of SCM. SCM is designed primarily with the purpose of estimating waste management facility costs. It does not assist in generating waste minimization options or pollution prevention.

Basis for evaluation:
Basis for evaluation: The profile presented here is based on the report, "Waste Management Facilities Cost Information: System Cost Model Product Description," and through telephone communications with Lockheed in May, 1995.

Contact information:
Lockheed Martin, Idaho Technologies
PO Box 1625
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83415-2420

Dave Shropshire
Mike Sherick
Jay Rhoderick (DOE, EM-30)

SCM description:

F. Feizohalli, R.K. Fink, B.L. Peterson, D.E. Shropshire, "Waste Management Facilities Cost Information: System Cost Model Product Description," Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company, November 1994. Report number: INEL-94/0115

The following reports will be available (~June/July 1995) in public reading rooms around the country as support documentation for Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.

  1. F. Feizollahi, D.E. Shropshire, "Interim Report: Waste Management Facilities Cost Information for Mixed Low-Level Waste" Report number: INEL-95/0014

Similar reports for other waste types:
  1. Low-Level Waste: INEL-95/0013
  2. Transuranic Waste: INEL-95/0015
  3. Hazardous Waste: INEL-95/0016

Information about the PEIS model:
  1. "Waste Management Estimating Program User's Guide," Revision 3,May 1993.
  2. "Waste Management Facilities Cost Information Work Plan,"EGG-WM-11233.

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Last Updated: April 11, 1996