P2P is a software system for measuring progress in pollution prevention (P2) that may have been achieved from a single project from redesign, reformulation, or replacement. Pollution generated by the original versus the modified product are compared taking one or more life-cycle stages into account. Users need to input all the required data and need to have information on the product and amounts of pollution. The effects on the different media and three impact categories are detailed (human health impacts, use impairment impacts, and disposal capacity impacts. The output also includes information on the nature of the pollutants, such as organic toxics, global warmers, etc.
The methodology makes use of certain simplifying assumptions such as, 1)Function and performance of old and modified product are the same, 2) Unit of use is the same. The volume of pollutants generated are compared taking product life into account. Pollutant potencies are not taken to account in this version, but version 3 is expected to include this feature.
The program runs on DOS and requires a color monitor. There is no user's manual, but the program includes a tutorial. A second version of P2P is being written and will be available by the end of the year. This will include the capability to categorize the pollutants prevented or increased according to various EPA regulated lists. Additional pollutants will be added to the pre-classified list.
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