FEDS Release 3.0

FEDS is a tool for assessing and analyzing energy efficiency in multiple buildings and at a single site. It is targeted an analysis tool for a wide range of energy systems professionals including energy managers, facility managers, architect-engineers, utility planners, and energy consultants. FEDS uses data entered by users (data on energy, building information, location, consumption, energy price data, building types, characteristics, operating hours and utility incentives) to develop a building prototype and inferred engineering parameters. These inferred parameters can be changed by users if better information is available.

FEDS helps in identifying energy improvements that offer maximum savings. It identifies and selects minimum life-cycle cost retrofits, determines payback periods, and enables users to prioritize options. FEDS includes a current database of hundreds of proven retrofit technologies, such as retrofits for lighting, heating, cooling, etc. Other features include an interactive format, life-cycle cost optimization, technology and fuel independence (no technology type or fuel is favored over the other), peak-demand modeling, and analysis using site specific data or projections. FEDS includes the same energy cost escalation rates as BLCC (Building Life-Cycle Cost program), and meets the life-cycle cost requirements of 10 CFR Part 436 used in BLCC. FEDS 3.0 includes enhancements such as new retrofit options, the latest discount rate, and an expanded and updated database.

FEDS is available for use on federally funded projects, or for those projects funded or directly performed by an agency of a State Government. The software is not currently available for private users, although efforts are under way to license the tool for commercial use.

Minimum Hardware:
FEDS 3.0 runs on Windows 3.1, or greater.

U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program
Washington, DC 20585
K. Dean DeVine, P.E.
(202) 586-6784

Rosemarie Bartlett (FEDS Software Administrator)
Pacific Northwest Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
509-375-3970 (FAX)

Basis for evaluation:
Based on information received from PNL in July, 1995.

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