Financial analysis: | --- |
Environmental impact analysis: | --- |
Waste management/P2: | ![]() |
Environmental cost listing/database: | ![]() |
Cost estimation: | --- |
Alternative product/process comparison: | --- |
This set of worksheets lists input and output costs to be estimated by the user. Work sheets are divided into waste types and treatability groups: high-level waste, transuranic waste, transuranic-mixed, low-level waste, low-level mixed waste, hazardous RCRA, hazardous non-RCRA, TSCA waste, sanitary waste, and other nonregulated wastes.
Raw material acquisition | --- |
Manufacturing stage | --- |
Use/reuse/maintenance | --- |
Recycle/waste management | ![]() |
The method lists four life-cycle stages (the first tier) of waste management: generation, treatment, storage, and disposal. Each first tier stage is broken down into several inputs and outputs (second tier costs) as follows:
waste generation, characterization | |
packaging, lag storage at each life-cycle stage, in-process transportation, transportation from each life-cyclestage to the next, storage facility replacement costs, emplacement | |
operating costs, materials, disposal facility replacement cost, handling cost, closure |
Conventional | ![]() |
Potentially hidden | ![]() |
Contingent | --- |
External | --- |
The hidden costs include costs associated with the operation of a waste treatment facility, packaging, waste storage, etc. Costs associated with compliance, such as permitting costs, are not included.
The template recommends using the most current (in this case, 1992) waste management costs or older cost data (1991 costs) if the information is deemed better.
Net present value (NPV) | --- |
Payback period | --- |
Internal rate of return (IRR) | --- |
Benefits cost ratio | --- |
Other | --- |
This method is straight forward and simple to use. Transportation and lag storage between life-cycle stages is considered. There are worksheets for listing definitions and assumptions. The document on "Waste Life-cycle Cost: Generic Guidelines and Assumptions," is recommended as the guide to developing waste life-cycle costs. The fixed and variable costs are also defined in this document.
External and contingent costs are not taken into account. Life-cycle costs are computed for the waste management stage of the life-cycle.
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