Low-Level and Transuranic Waste Transportation, Disposal, and Facility Decommissioning Cost Sensitivity Analysis

Prepared by:
Idaho National Engineering Laboratory
EG&G Idaho, Inc. (now called Lockheed)

Prepared for:
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management

Financial analysis: ---
Environmental impact analysis: ---
Waste management/P2: ---
Environmental cost listing/database: ---
Cost estimation:
Alternative product/process comparison: ---

Cost estimation for transportation, disposal, and facility decontamination and decommissioning. The application is limited to remediation projects. The report and cost information is related to a specific project. However, the methodologies utilized could be instructive for other applications.

Development/publication date and updates:
May 1992. No updates.

Public availability:

Purpose and current use:
This method is a follow-up analysis of the System Design Study (SDS) that was intended to explore the basis for the life-cycle cost segments of transportation, disposal, and facility decontamination and decommissioning (D&D). The report was prepared as part of a currently on-going INEL project.

Cost information:
Available at a cost of $17.50 through NTIS.

Contents and system requirements:
Description of transportation, disposal, and D&D life-cycle cost considerations

Summary of methodology

The purpose of the method is to develop a basis for low-level and transuranic waste life-cycle costs.

Life-cycle stages covered

Raw material acquisition ---
Manufacturing stage ---
Use/reuse/maintenance ---
Recycle/waste management

The following information on inputs and outputs is considered

Type of costs considered

Potentially hidden
Contingent ---
External ---

The system is mainly used to estimate conventional and hidden costs of inputs and outputs associated with waste management. The hidden costs do not include environmental compliance-related costs.

Method of cost estimation

Factors considered in developing transportation costs include product density, transportation unit rates, rail versus truck transportation, and container size and container weight limitations. Disposal costs were estimated from a survey of DOE sites including Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Nevada Test Site, Harford, Savannah River Site, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Rocky Flats Plant, Sandia National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Commercial facilities and state compacts provided input for disposal costs. Facility D&D costs were based on the square footage of the facility.

Generation of financial indicators

Net present value (NPV) ---
Payback period ---
Internal rate of return (IRR) ---
Benefits cost ratio ---
Other ---


Site restoration to natural environment is considered. Transportation figures are based on product density and considered the form of the waste when transported (i.e., post treatment if applicable). Densities (given in lb/ft3) are given for low-level and transuranic wastes.


The approach is limited to remediation activities. All cost categories and life-cycle stages are not considered. Since the document was not updated, the costs may no longer be relevant.

Basis for evaluation:
The information provided here is based on a profile of the tool presented in Weitz et al. (1994). Subsequent reviews were done by incorporating information obtained through telephone communications with Lockheed in May,1995.

Contact information:
Available through NTIS, accession number: DE92018036. Report number: EGG-WTD-10092 E 1.99 DE92 018036

Lockheed, Inc.,
P.O. Box 1625, M/S 2414
Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3875

Jim Schafer

For copies of the report:
National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

703-321-8547 (FAX)

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