
[Click on any entry to go there.]


Factors Affecting Renewable Energy in 1996
Report Organization


Section I. Renewable Energy Data

1. Renewable Data Overview

Energy Consumption
Solar and Photovoltaic Module Shipments
Data Characteristics and Caveats

Section II. Current Status and Industry Profiles

2. Biomass Profile: Wood and Ethanol

1996 Updates
Paper and Forest Product Industry Profiles
Energy Profiles of Primary Forest Product Processes

3. Municipal Solid Waste Profile

Trends in Municipal Solid Waste Generation
Waste-to-Energy Facilities
The Landfill Gas Industry

4. Geothermal Energy Profile

Activities in 1996
Corporate Changes
Hot Dry Rock and Magma Resources
Direct Geothermal Energy

5. Wind Energy Profile

The Role of Government
The Commercial Industry

6. Solar Industry Profile

Solar Energy Data
Federal and State Incentives
Technology Characterization
Industry Activity in 1995
Activities in 1996

Section III. Topical Issues

7. The Role of Electric Utilities in the Photovoltaics Industry

Utility Programs
Utility-Scale PV Investment Under Industry Restructuring
Niche Markets

8. Public Policy Affecting the Waste-to-Energy Industry

Economic Status
Siting Problems
Legal Issues (Flow Control)
Environmental Regulations
Utility and Energy Regulations

9. Flow Control and the Interstate Movement of Waste: Post-Carbone

Path Around the Carbone Decision
Financial Impacts of Recent Judicial Decisions
Interstate Movement of Waste

10. Growth of the Landfill Gas Industry

Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Landfill Gas, and Control Systems
Development of the Landfill Gas Industry
LFG Utilization Applications
Recent Regulatory History
The Economics of LFG Control and Utilization
Nonregulatory Government Promotion of LFG Use
Economic Impacts of Regulations, Programs, and Incentives

11. Management of Known Geothermal Resource Areas

Coso Hot Springs
The Geysers

Section IV. International Renewable Energy: Current Status and Prospects

12. International Renewable Energy

Overviews of Renewable Energy Status by Region
International Efforts in Support of Renewable Energy
U.S. Government Efforts in Support of Renewable Energy


A. EIA Renewable Energy Data Sources
B. Renewable Data Limitations
C. Geothermal Energy and Geysers
D. Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Energy
E. Examples of Contract Arrangements at The Geysers
F. Additional Solar and Photovoltaic Tables
G. Moody’s Bond Ratings
H. LFG: Commercial Energy Recovery Case Studies
I. List of Internet Addresses: Renewable Energy Information by Resource
J. State Agencies That Provide Energy Information


H1. U.S. Renewable Energy Consumption by Source, 1991-1995
1. U.S. Energy Consumption by Energy Source, 1991-1995
2. Renewable Energy Consumption by Sector and Energy Source, 1991-1995
3. Renewable Energy Consumption for Electricity Generation by Energy Source, 1991-1995
4. Electricity Generation From Renewable Energy by Energy Source, 1991-1995
5. U.S. Electric Generating Capacity, 1991-1995
6. Regional Distribution of Pellet Fuel Shipments, 1992-1996
7. Energy and Raw Materials Inputs and Outputs of a Modern Sawmill
8. Historical and Projected U.S. Production of Municipal Solid Waste, Selected Years, 1960-2000
9. Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Process and Region, 1996
10. Design Capacities of Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Process Type, 1996
11. Design Capacities of Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Region, 1996
12. Average Design Capacities of Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Process and Region, 1996
13. Air Pollution Control Equipment at Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Process, 1996
14. Temperatures of Geothermal Fluids Required for Various Uses
15. U.S. Wind Electricity Generation Nameplate Capacity by State as of September 1996
16. Annual Shipments of Solar Thermal Collectors, 1986-1995
17. Annual Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules, 1985-1995
18. Annual Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Shipments, 1974-1995
19. U.S. Utility Net Electric Generation from Solar Energy, 1995
20. Estimated U.S. Solar and Total Energy Production, 1995
21. PVUSA Emerging Module Technology Systems at Davis, California
22. PVUSA Utility Systems at Davis and Kerman, California
23. PVUSA Host Utility Systems
24. Utility Photovoltaic Group (UPVG) TEAM-UP Ventures, 1995
25. Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) Photovoltaic System Cost Improvement, 1993-1995
26. Kerman Photovoltaic Plant Nontraditional Benefits
27. Waste Generated, Exported, and Imported by Trading Partners, 1993
28. Landfill Gas (LFG) Constituent Gases
29. Regulatory Milestones Affecting the Landfill Gas Industry, 1976-1996
30. Comparison of Costs for Typical LFG Energy Recovery Technologies
31. Conditions Necessary for Cost-Competitiveness in LFG Utilization Projects
32. Critical Barriers Identified by the Landfill Methane Outreach Program and Their Solutions
33. Comparison of MSW Landfill Costs Before and After the 1991 RCRA Regulations
34. Coso Geothermal Power Plant Statistics
35. Annual Net Electricity Generation at The Geysers
36. Installed Wind Capacity and Projected Capacity Additions for Selected Countries
37. Continental Shares of World Wind Power Generation, 1995
38. Destination of U.S. Photovoltaic Cell and Module Export Shipments by Country, 1995
39. Installed Geothermal Electricity Generation Capacity by Country, 1990, 1995, and 2000
40. Biomass Fuel Consumption and Production, 1985-1990
41. Advantages and Disadvantages of Charcoal as a Source of Energy
42. Renewable Energy Resources and Market Potential in Asia and the Pacific and Africa
43. Renewable Energy Resources and Market Potential in the Americas
44. Geothermal Energy Capacity in Indonesia
45. World Bank Renewable Energy Projects, Approved and in the Pipeline, 1996
46. USAID Renewable Energy Host Country Projects Under BEST and REAT as of December 31, 1995
B1. Evaluation of EIA’s Undercoverage of Nonutility Electricity Data
B2. Geothermal Energy Supplied for Major Direct Use Applications, 1993
F1. Number of Companies Expecting To Introduce New Solar Thermal Collector Products, 1996
F2. Percent of Solar Collector Shipments by the 10 Largest Companies, 1986-1995
F3. Companies Involved in Solar Thermal Activities by Type, 1994 and 1995
F4. Solar-Related Sales as a Percentage of Total Sales, 1994 and 1995
F5. Annual Shipments of Solar Thermal Collectors by Type, 1986-1995
F6. Shipments of Solar Collectors Ranked by Top Five Origins and Destinations, 1994 and 1995
F7. Distribution of Solar Thermal Collector Shipments, 1994 and 1995
F8. Solar Thermal Collector Shipments by Type, Quantity, Value, and Average Price, 1994 and 1995
F9. Shipments of Solar Collectors by Market Sector, End Use, and Type, 1994 and 1995
F10. Shipments of Solar Thermal Collectors by Destination, 1995
F11. Distribution of U.S. Solar Thermal Collector Exports by Country, 1995
F12. Shipments of Complete Solar Thermal Collector Systems, 1994 and 1995
F13. Companies Expecting To Introduce New Photovoltaic Products in 1996
F14. Employment in the Photovoltaic Manufacturing Industry, 1990-1995
F15. Number of Companies Involved in Photovoltaic-Related Activities, 1994 and 1995
F16. Photovoltaic Cell and Module Shipments by Type, 1993-1995
F17. Distribution of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules, 1993-1995
F18. Photovoltaic Cell and Module Shipments by Type, 1994 and 1995
F19. Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules by Market Sector, End Use, and Type, 1994 and 1995
F20. Export Shipments of Photovoltaic Modules and Cells by Type, 1995
F21. Destination of Photovoltaic Cell and Module Exports by Continent, 1995
F22. Shipments of Complete Photovoltaic Module Systems, 1993-1995


1. Nonhydroelectric Renewable Energy Consumption Shares by Energy Source, 1991-1995
2. U.S. Average Corn Prices Received by Farmers, 1993-1996
3. U.S. Ethanol Production, 1995 and 1996
4. Net Sales of the Paper and Forest Products Industry, 1981-1995
5. Industrial Production Index of the Paper and Forest Products Industry, 1947-1995
6. Timber to Finished Product
7. Chief Components of Municipal Solid Waste Management
8. Total U.S. Waste Generation Before Recycling, 1994
9. U.S. Waste Generation, 1960-2000
10. Number of Facilities Performing Waste-to-Energy Operations by Process Type, 1996
11. Energy Production from Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Energy, 1996
12. Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Ownership, 1996
13. Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Relationship of Owner to Operator, 1996
14. Waste-to-Energy Facilities by Type of Operator, 1996
15. Location of Existing Landfill Facilities by Region, 1994
16. Number of Landfill Gas Processing Facilities Entering Service by Year, 1979-1994
17. Landfill Gas Utilization by Existing Facilities, 1994
18. Solar Thermal Collector Shipments by Collector Type, 1983-1995
19. Import and Export Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules, 1987-1995
20. Import and Export Shipments of Solar Thermal Collectors, 1983-1995
21. Average Price of Solar Thermal Collector Shipments by Collector Type, 1994 and 1995
22. Domestic and Export Shipments of Photovoltaic Cells and Modules, 1987-1995
23. Photovoltaic Cell and Module Shipments by Type, 1993-1995
24. Average Price of Photovoltaic Cell and Module Shipments by Type, 1993-1995
25. Annual Net Generation from The Geysers, 1983-1995
26. Annual Steam Production and Injection at The Geysers, 1987-1994
D1. Carbon Emissions from Energy Production by Fuel

Renewable Energy Annual 1996
April 1997
[Click on any entry to go there.]

Front Matter
1. Renewable Data Overview
2. Biomass Profile: Wood and Ethanol
3. Municipal Solid Waste Profile
4. Geothermal Energy Profile
5. Wind Energy Profile
6. Solar Industry Profile
7. The Role of Electric Utilities in the Photovoltaics Industry
8. Public Policy Affecting the Waste-to-Energy Industry
9. Flow Control and the Interstate Movement of Waste: Post-Carbone
10. Growth of the Landfill Gas Industry
11. Management of Known Geothermal Resource Areas
12. International Renewable Energy
Appendix A. EIA Renewable Energy Data Sources
Appendix B. Renewable Data Limitations
Appendix C. Geothermal Energy and Geysers
Appendix D. Environmental Impacts of Geothermal Energy
Appendix E. Examples of Contract Arrangements at The Geysers
Appendix F. Additional Solar and Photovoltaic Tables
Appendix G. Moody’s Bond Ratings
Appendix H. LFG: Commercial Energy Recovery Case Studies
Appendix I. List of Internet Addresses: Renewable Energy Information by Resource
Appendix J. State Agencies That Provide Energy Information

File last modified: November, 1999

Mark Gielecki
Phone: (202) 426-1141
Fax: (202) 426-1280

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