Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
cgt1 | The bulk of the recycling market. (statistics on recyclable materials) | Heather Hepler. | American City & County | July 1994 v109 n8 p67(1) |
cga1 | Growing markets for scrap tires. (scrap tire recycling) | Michael Blumenthal. | BioCycle | Oct 1997 v38 n10 p53(3) |
cga2 | Finding markets for scrap tires. (interest in scrap tires)(includes related article) | David Riggle. | BioCycle | March 1994 v35 n3 p41(7) |
cga3 | Scrap tire market analysis. | Michael Blumenthal. | BioCycle | Feb 1997 v38 n2 p70(3) |
cgt2 | A Role For Old Tires. | Donna Brown Hogarty. | Nation's Business | Oct 1998 v86 n10 p67(1) |
cgt3 | Gold from garbage. (recycling cuts business costs; includes advice for setting up waste-reduction and recycling program) | Laura M. Litvan. | Nation's Business | July 1995 v83 n7 p53(2) |
cga5 | Recycling wood and tires at a transfer station. | Molly Farrell | BioCycle | April 1998 v39 n4 p77(3) |
cga4 | New uses for old tires. | David Riggle | BioCycle | April 1992 v33 n4 p40(3) |
cgt4 | All tired out; two ecologically minded entrepreneurs make their fashion statement with used Pirellis and Michelins. | Mandana MacPherson, Cameron Trotter | People Weekly | August 12, 1991 v36 n5 p57(1) |
cgt5 | Mired in tires. (junk tires) | Mariette DiChristina. | Popular Science | Oct 1994 v245 n4 p62(4) |
cgt6 | What can I do with this old tyre? (recycling tires) (Business) | The Economist | August 11, 1990 v316 n7667 p70(1) | |
cga6 | Innovative uses for whole tires. (recycling projects using whole tires) | Kevin Gray | BioCycle | Sept 1998 v39 n9 p53(3) |
cga7 | Tire shred guidelines minimize fires. (scrap tire recycling) | Maine Turnpike | BioCycle | Oct 1997 v38 n10 p56(1)6 |
cga8 | Beyond Burning Tires. (Environmental Action Foundation report) | Environmental Action Magazine | Fall 1994 v26 n3 p4(1) | |
cgt7 | Waste not, want not. (solid waste disposal) | American City & County | June 1993 v108 n7 p38(6) | |
cga9 | Good year for tire recovery. (recycling tires) | BioCycle | March 1996 v37 n3 p35(3) | |
cga10 | Puncturing the scrap tire problem. | Robert Steuteville. | BioCycle | Oct 1995 v36 n10 p51(2) |
Title | Author | |
cgh1 | New Products Seen at Rubber Recycling '98 | Scrap Tire News Online |
cgh2 | TIRE RECYCLING IN EUROPE | North American Recycled Rubber Association |
cgh3 | Recyclable Materials : Scrap Tires | Recycling Council of Ontario |
cgh4 | Recycling Options | Dee Huber, et al. |
cgh5 | Resource Recovery : Scrap tire Markets | Goodyear |
cgh6 | The Scrap Tire Challenge and Alternative Solutions | Goodyear |
cgh7 | Scrap Tires...Waste or Beneficial Use? | Department of Environmental Protection |
cgh8 | Tire Recovery | Keep America Beautiful, Inc. |