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Recycling : General

Title Author Journal Date
cgt1 The bulk of the recycling market. (statistics on recyclable materials)  Heather Hepler.  American City & County  July 1994 v109 n8 p67(1) 
cga1 Growing markets for scrap tires. (scrap tire recycling)  Michael Blumenthal.  BioCycle  Oct 1997 v38 n10 p53(3) 
cga2 Finding markets for scrap tires. (interest in scrap tires)(includes related article)  David Riggle.  BioCycle  March 1994 v35 n3 p41(7) 
cga3 Scrap tire market analysis.  Michael Blumenthal.  BioCycle  Feb 1997 v38 n2 p70(3) 
cgt2 A Role For Old Tires.  Donna Brown Hogarty.  Nation's Business  Oct 1998 v86 n10 p67(1) 
cgt3 Gold from garbage. (recycling cuts business costs; includes advice for setting up waste-reduction and recycling program)  Laura M. Litvan.  Nation's Business  July 1995 v83 n7 p53(2) 
cga5 Recycling wood and tires at a transfer station.   Molly Farrell  BioCycle April 1998 v39 n4 p77(3)
cga4 New uses for old tires. David Riggle BioCycle  April 1992 v33 n4 p40(3) 
cgt4 All tired out; two ecologically minded entrepreneurs make their fashion statement with used Pirellis and Michelins.  Mandana MacPherson, Cameron Trotter  People Weekly  August 12, 1991 v36 n5 p57(1) 
cgt5 Mired in tires. (junk tires)  Mariette DiChristina.  Popular Science  Oct 1994 v245 n4 p62(4) 
cgt6 What can I do with this old tyre? (recycling tires) (Business)  The Economist  August 11, 1990 v316 n7667 p70(1) 
cga6 Innovative uses for whole tires. (recycling projects using whole tires)  Kevin Gray BioCycle Sept 1998 v39 n9 p53(3) 
cga7 Tire shred guidelines minimize fires. (scrap tire recycling)  Maine Turnpike BioCycle Oct 1997 v38 n10 p56(1)6
cga8 Beyond Burning Tires. (Environmental Action Foundation report) Environmental Action Magazine Fall 1994 v26 n3 p4(1)
cgt7 Waste not, want not. (solid waste disposal)  American City & County June 1993 v108 n7 p38(6)
cga9 Good year for tire recovery. (recycling tires)  BioCycle  March 1996 v37 n3 p35(3) 
cga10 Puncturing the scrap tire problem. Robert Steuteville. BioCycle Oct 1995 v36 n10 p51(2)

Title Author
cgh1 New Products Seen at Rubber Recycling '98  Scrap Tire News Online
cgh2 TIRE RECYCLING IN EUROPE North American Recycled Rubber Association
cgh3 Recyclable Materials : Scrap Tires Recycling Council of Ontario
cgh4 Recycling Options Dee Huber, et al.
cgh5 Resource Recovery : Scrap tire Markets Goodyear
cgh6 The Scrap Tire Challenge and Alternative Solutions Goodyear
cgh7 Scrap Tires...Waste or Beneficial Use? Department of Environmental Protection
cgh8 Tire Recovery Keep America Beautiful, Inc.

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