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Questions and Answers:

Has the EPA considered recycling solvents that are used in various research projects?

There is no solvent recovery procedure in place due to researchers needs. Researchers need to use virgin material (specific lot and batch numbers) for specific types of research. There has not been enough interest to justify purchasing the equipment or justifying the man-hours to operate the unit. Currently, common solvents are being consolidated and sent off-site for fuels blending ( a type of recycling since the blended fuel will be sold as a fuel for future use).

Will the EPA consider recycling solvents once we move to the New Campus?

NIEHS currently has solvent recovery, however there is low usage due to the same reaction from NIEHS researchers. There is one wastestream using solvents as a process. This material, xylene / ethanol, is being recycled. EPA may have an opportunity in the future for solvent recovery as research is always changing. If research changes, we will investigate purchasing a solvent recovery unit and allocate man-hours to operate the unit as a means to minimize waste generation. Until then, EPA will continue to bulk solvents for off-site fuels blending as a means to recycle both virgin and spent solvents that our researchers use and generate.

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