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Environmental Advisory Committee
for the U.S. EPA at RTP, NC

The Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) is an advisory body established by the EPA-RTP Management Council to assist the Director of Office of Administration & Resources Management. The EAC serves to advise management on environmentally sound occupancy and operations processes at the EPA-Research Triangle Park New Campus. The committee also educates employees on the environmental impacts of our work practices. The EAC attempts to facilitate exchange of ideas and open discussion on agency policies and practices in the area of the environment. It shares environmental protection/ waste reduction ideas and information with all RTP-EPA employees. The EAC is striving to ensure that the EPA's RTP New Campus will be as "green" as possible. Membership is composed of a representative body of employees from each EPA-RTP program/laboratory organization. The committee meets monthly on a regular basis and is open to interested EPA employees to the extent that space is available. The EAC encourages employees to contribute ideas to the committee through this website.

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