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EAC Membership

Membership on the EPA EAC shall be comprised of a representative body of employees from each EPA-RTP program/laboratory organization. Membership shall reflect the diversity of organizations and interests in the EPA-RTP workforce. EAC members are selected and appointed by EPA-RTP Office/Lab Directors. Changes to EAC appointments must be made in writing by EPA-RTP Office/Lab Directors and provided to the EAC Chairperson and the Director, EPA Office of Administration and Resources Management.

EPA-RTP Environmental Advisory Committee Roster
May 9, 2000

Organization Representative Email Address Phone Number Mail Code
OEI Lynne Petterson Petterson.Lynne@epa.gov (919)541-3582 MD-34
Rebecca Doty Doty.Rebecca@epa.gov (919)541-0136 MD-34
OAQPS Gail Whitfield Whitfield.Gail@epa.gov (919)541-1451 MD-15
James White White.James@epa.gov (919)541-0842 MD-13
Tom Link Link.Tom@epa.gov (919)541-5456 MD-12
NHEERL Philip Bushnell Bushnell.Philip@epa.gov (919)541-7747 MD-74B
NERL Avis Hines Hines.Avis@epa.gov (919)541-4001 MD-44
Walter Weathers Weathers.Walter@epa.gov (919)541-3913 MD-46
Alternate: Maribel Colon Colon.Maribel@epa.gov (919)541-5712 MD-44
ORD Safety Team Van Anderson Anderson.Van@epa.gov (919)541-2646 MD-50
NCEA Jim McGrath McGrath.Jim@epa.gov (919)541-0673 MD-52
APPCD Carol Purvis Purvis.Carol@epa.gov (919)541-7519 MD-63
Elizabeth Wilson Wilson.Elizabeth@epa.gov (919)541-1949 MD-63
AFGE Silvia Saracco Saracco.Silvia@epa.gov (919)541-1582 MD-33
OARM Wanda Allen Allen.Wanda@epa.gov (919)541-7645 MD-93
Tim McClellan McClellan.Timothy@epa.gov (919)541-2963 MD-30

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