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EAC Environmental Advisory Committee

Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC)

Article I - Name

The organization shall be known as the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) for the USEPA at RTP, NC.

The purpose of the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC) will be(1) to promote employee awareness and education for environmental protection and waste reduction in the EPA workplace, and (2) to act as an advisory body to the Director of Office of Administration & Resources Management, representing all RTP-EPA Program Offices and Laboratories.

Article II - Authority

This Committee is established by the EPA-RTP Management Council, as an advisory body to assist the Director of Office of Administration & Resources Management.

Article III - Functions

The functions of the EPA Environmental Advisory Committee shall be to:

1. Advise management on environmentally sound occupancy and operations processes at the EPA-RTP New Campus.

2.Educate employees on the environmental impacts of our work practices.

3. Facilitate exchange of ideas and open discussion on agency policies and practices in the area of the environment.

4.Share environmental protection/ waste reduction ideas and information with all RTP-EPA employees and provide regular updates on the activities and concerns of the EPA EAC program as well as other environmental programs in the local area..

5. Recognize individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the understanding, safeguard, and protection of the environment.

6. Represent EPA on committees, panels, etc, as needed in the local and regional community.

Article IV - Composition

The EPA EAC shall be comprised of a representative body of employees from each EPA-RTP program/laboratory organization. Membership shall reflect the diversity of organizations and interests in the EPA-RTP work force. EAC members are selected and appointed by EPA-RTP Office/Lab Directors. Changes to EAC appointments must be made in writing by EPA-RTP Office/Lab Directors and provided to the EAC Chairperson and the Director, EPA Office of Administration and Resources Management.

Article V - Officers

The officer of this committee shall consist of a chairperson. The Chairperson shall be appointed by the the Director of Office of Administration & Resources Management. The Chairperson shall be responsible for running the meetings, publishing minutes, interacting with the Office of Management, and other duties (s)he acquires.

Article VI - Regular Meetings

Meetings shall be held monthly on a regular day and time and shall be open to interested EPA employees to the extent space is available.

Article VII - Termination Date

Ongoing and continuing unless terminated in writing by the Director, Office of Administration & Resources Management

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