The Sustainable Office Toolkit

Module 3: Energy Conservation

Identifying Options

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Stages Four and Five: Heating and Cooling System

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on a new HVAC system to realize some benefits from your current system.

  • Set back thermostats (For more detail, see: Link to Identifying Options/Easy No-Cost options)
    • During hours of operation, set the thermostat to 68 in Winter and 78 in summer
    • When the building is unoccupied, set the temperature back another 10-15 F.
    • Get a programmable thermostat to make this easy!
  • Perform regular maintenance. This is typically done by a heating and air professional, but there are many things you can do yourself, depending on the type of system and your access to it.
    • Make sure you change your filters regularly
    • Keep the coils on your unit clean and free of leaves and other debris
    • Inspect your ductwork for missing or damaged insulation and repair as needed
    • Make sure furniture or other obstacles do not block air or return vents.
    • Identify areas of your facility that are not being used but are still being heated and cooled. Close the vents or turn of the system in these areas if possible.

Once you have done all of the energy savings ideas up to this point, you might finally consider upgrading your HVAC system. This is going to be an expensive project, but one that could pay off if your system is old and you have been able to reduce your loads significantly by upgrading lighting, turning back or buying more efficient equipment, and plugging leaks. The reason you save this step for last is that once you have done all the other improvements, your new system can be sized smaller than your current one since it has to carry less of a load. This can save you significant money when replacing your system. This is Stage Five, and will require professional engineering expertise, either in-house or through a qualified HVAC contractor.

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