The guidebook walks you through the seven steps for planning, implementing, maintaining and improving your program.
- Step One - Gathering Information
- Step Two - Securing Support
- Step Three - Forming the Green Team
- Step Four - Selecting and Planning a Program
- Step Five - Launching the Program
- Step Six - Encouraging Participation
- Step Seven - Monitoring the Program

There are seven modules, each of which provides specific guidance to implement a specific program.
- Module One – Waste Reduction
- Module Two – Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
- Module Three – Energy Conservation
- Module Four – Water Conservation
- Module Five – Alternative Transportation
- Module Six – Green Building
- Module Seven – Corporate Social Responsibility

These resources will provide additional information and examples to help your efforts.
Guidebook Resources:
- Sample Environmental Policies
- Templates for letters & posters
- Environmental calculators
Module Resources
- Quick Start Guides
- Case Studies
- Websites for More Information
The Sustainable Office Toolkit
The Sustainable Office Toolkit is a set of resources and tools developed by P²AD to help offices of all types and size move toward sustainability through practices such as recycling, energy and water conservation, and “green” building.
To become a sustainable office, your environmental program must become part of your business’s core operating principles and values. It must be carried out as systematically and with as much attention to detail as a project for your manager or board of directors. For example, simply posting recycling signs above a new container is not going to effect a change in behavior; and such a change is exactly what needs to happen.
If you find our toolkit to be useful and would like to join other organizations in Georgia working to reduce their environmental footprint, please visit our Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia and learn how you can get recognition and free assistance for your efforts.