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Research Triangle Institute

Solvent Alternatives Guide

Conversion Checklist - Regulatory

Facilities | Process | Regulatory | Safety

  • Will a new wastewater stream be allowed to discharge to sewer?

  • Will adjustments to the pH of the discharge be required?

  • Will the effluents (air, water, solids) require regulatory reporting under the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) or elsewhere?

  • Will the air emissions require a change in stack or local air cleaners?

  • Will the emissions be classed as a Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP), or a Volatile Organic Chemical (VOC)?

  • Will the emissions will be covered under the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA Title III), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), or the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)?

  • Will the effluents require regulatory reporting?

  • Will the changes reduce regulatory reporting?

  • Will any solid waste be classified as hazardous?

  • Will hazardous waste treatment/disposal be needed (onsite or offsite)?

  • Will new or changed permits be needed for chemical purchase or storage?

  • Will new or changed permits be needed for water intake changes?

  • Will new or changed permits be needed for changes in volume, temperature, or contents (including biocides, foaming agents, metals) of water discharged to the sewer?

  • Will new or changed permits be needed for changes in volume, temperature, or contents of air emissions?

  • Will new or changed permits be needed for changes in volume or contents of any solid waste?

  • Even if you do not need a water permit, will you need to notify officials that your use will increase?

  • What are the local regulations including biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD)?

  • What is your status with your local publicly owned treatment works (POTW)?

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All SAGE material, Copyright© 1992, Research Triangle Institute
Last Update: 22 January 1999
