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Research Triangle Institute

Solvent Alternatives Guide
Glycol Ethers


  • Guide to Pollution Prevention: The Metal Finishing Industry. U.S. EPA Report EPA/625/R-92/011. October 1992

  • Glycol Ethers to be Cured. The National Environmental Journal, 3(3). May/June 1993

  • EPA Rejects CMA Petition to Delist Five Glycol Ethers from Clean Air Act. Toxic Materials News, 20(3), ISSN: 0093-5891. January 20, 1993

  • Indoor Pollution News. 6(8), Business Publishers, Inc. April 16, 1993

  • Glycol Ethers Linked to Increased Miscarriage Rate. Chemical and Engineering News. June 14, 1993

  • The Reduction of Solvent Wastes in the Electronics Industry, Envirosphere Company. Prepared for the State of California Department of Health Services.

  • "DESC Drops Ozone Eaters from Electronic Tests". Defense & Aerospace Electronics. November 16, 1992

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