Water in the Tucson Area: Seeking Sustainabliity
LF, pp. 147 - 148
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List of Figures [continued]

Figure 4-5 Main floodway and bank reinforcement . 38
Figure 4-6 Floods damage the Ina Road Bridge.
Photo: Peter Kresană 39
Figure 4-7 A View Towards the Santa Rita Mountains Around 1900, Showing the Santa Cruz River and Part of its Watershed. Source: Tucson Souvenir Portfolio about 1904. 40
Figure 5-1 Annual water use by sector, Tucson AMA. 43
Figure 5-2 Municipal water provider service areas. 44
Figure 5-3 Water use on Tucson AMA golf courses. 46
Figure 5-4 Treated effluent at a golf course.
Photo: Barbara Tellman 47
Figure 5-5 Golf courses and reclaimed water systems. 48
Figure 5-6 Typical single family home indoor water use. 49
Figure 5-7 Water is saved when a landscape consists of desert, drought-tolerant vegetation.
Photo: Barbara Tellman 50
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