Water in the Tucson Area: Seeking Sustainabliity
LF, pp. 147
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List of Figures [continued]

Figure 2-12 Woman washing clothes in the Santa Cruz River, with the ruins of the Convento in the background.
Photo: Arizona Historical Society/Tucson 15
Not available online.
Figure 3-1 Contribution of wellfields to total groundwater supply. 17
Figure 3-2 Elevation of water table and direction of groundwater flow. 18
Figure 3-3 Map of wells and wellfields 19
Figure 3-4 Subsidence near Eloy. Dates on the pole mark more than 15 feet of subsidence from groundwater pumping between 1952 and 1985.
Photo: U.S. Geological Survey. 20
Figure 3-5 A fissure can appear as a deep gash in the earth. The above fissure is southeast of Phoenix. Photo: Ray Harris. 21
Figure 3-6 Maximum potential subsidence in feet.
Source: USGS, ADWR 22
Figure 3-7 Tanks from a Pima County wastewater treatment plant.
Photo: Barbara Tellman 23
Figure 3-8 Wastewater treatment facilities and distribution system.
Source: Pima County Technical Services, Pima County Wastewater 24
Figure 3-9 The Pima Mines Road recharge basin.
Photo: Central Arizona Water Conservation District 26
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