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DOE program reviewers discuss new management approach

On March 22-24, 1994 the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Technology Development (OTD) held a mid-year program review for its Office of Technology Integration and Environmental Education Development (EM-52) in Washington, D.C. Approximately 80 attendees represented DOE headquarters, DOE laboratories, DOE contractors, the Environmental Protection Agency, universities, and private sector industries. The meeting reviewed issues related to the OTD new approach, the EM-52 program, technology transfer, and the environmental education programs.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for OTD, Clyde Frank, presented A New Approach to Environmental Research and Technology Development at the U.S. Department of Energy, Action Plan. This plan described a new way to manage DOE's environmental research and technology development activities. The goal is to conduct a research and technology development program focused on overcoming major obstacles in remediating DOE sites. The plan outlined the following major steps.

The review focused on the past year's accomplishments which included the following.

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