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ProTech describes cleanup technologies

ProTech is a computer tool developed for the Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Technology Development by Pacific Northwest Laboratory. ProTech contains descriptions of sites and site problem definitions (maps, text, and diagrams), technology fact sheets, and compares innovative technologies with currently used technologies.

The software is used to involve stakeholders in the development process so that their interests and concerns can be identified and addressed by the technology developers before a technology is demonstrated. By reading fact sheet text and seeing site maps and diagrams in various levels of detail, users gain an understanding of site problems. Users can also compare an innovative cleanup technology with the baseline technology being used.

The audience for ProTech includes individuals and groups who have an interest in a technology's deployment. This group includes regulators, interest groups, native Americans, citizens of communities where an environmental technology may be used, and potential industrial co-developers and users of a technology.

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