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Ag 101
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Benefits of Pesticide Use

For many years, we have enjoyed the benefits of using pesticides to control weed, insect, fungus, parasitic, and rodent pests. Recently, both the public and the press have increasingly focused on the negative impacts of agricultural, urban industrial, and residential chemicals. However, there are also substantial benefits to society, including:

  • Pesticides are the only effective means of controlling disease organisms, weeds, or insect pests in many circumstances.
  • Consumers receive direct benefits from pesticides through wider selections and lower prices for food and clothing.
  • Pesticides protect private, public, and commercial dwellings from structural damage associated with termite infestations.
  • Pesticides contribute to enhanced human health by preventing disease outbreaks through the control of rodent and insect populations.
  • Pesticides are used to sanitize our drinking and recreational water.
  • Pesticides are used to disinfect indoor areas (e.g., kitchens, operating rooms, nursing homes) as well as dental and surgical instruments.
  • The pesticide industry also provides benefits to society. For instance, local communities and state governments may be partially dependent upon the jobs and tax base that pesticide manufacturers, distributors, dealers, commercial applicators, and farmers provide.

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