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Research Triangle Institute

Solvent Alternatives Guide
Alkaline Aqueous


  • Metals Handbook, vol. 5: Surface Cleaning, Finishing, and Coating. American Society for Metals, Metals Park, OH. 1990

  • Guide to Clean Technology — Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvents for Cleaning and Degreasing (Draft). U.S. EPA. 1992

  • Alternatives for CFC-113 and Methyl Chloroform in Metal Cleaning. U.S. EPA Report EPA/400/1-91/019. 1991

  • "Cleaning Up". Spectrum, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. February 1993

  • Shigeo, Matsui. Toshiba's Actions to Reduce Use of CFC's and Methyl Chloroform in Electronics Cleaning. 1992 International Conference on CFC and Halon Alternatives, Washington, DC. October 1992

  • Guide to Pollution Prevention: The Metal Finishing Industry. U.S. EPA Report EPA/625/R-92/011. October 1992

  • Schleckser, Jim. "CFC Replacement Costs". Circuits Assembly. June 1993

  • Wun, K-L and J. Baker. "Non-CFC Cleaning and Cleanliness Testing for Printed Circuit Assemblies". Surface Mount Technology, 4(1). January 1990

  • Proceedings of the International Conference on CFC and Halon Alternatives. 1989

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Last Update: 31 August 1999
