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Research Triangle Institute

Solvent Alternatives Guide

General Information

  • Steam cleaning is frequently done manually.

  • Steam generation equipment can be portable, allowing cleaning at various locations, inside or outside a plant.

  • Steam cleaning is a good process for infrequent cleaning of large objects. If production rates do not justify purchasing a spray system, a steam system may be a good alternative.

  • Alkaline cleaners can be added to the steam to increase its effectiveness. Chemical concentrations may be lower than those required for immersion equipment.

  • High silicate cleaners may cause scale buildup in the cleaning equipment.

  • Steam cleaning is good for removal of heavy soil. It may be a good preliminary process for reducing soil loading in a wash tank.

  • Steam cleaning works well for both fluid and particle removal. It is good for removing heavy oil and grease loads.

  • One major aerospace company uses steam cleaning in its electric motor rebuilding shop. [from Allied Signal]

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Last Update: 29 May 2001
