Different toxic substances require different kinds of treatment.
Removal of TCE through aeration is discussed above. Because neither CAP
water nor Tucson groundwater generally contain problem amounts of other
toxic substances, other treatment methods will not be discussed.
Figure 6-5 Out of the aborted effort
to introduce CAP water to the community arose a brand of CAP humor.
Above is a "Fitz" cartoon that appeared in "The Arizona Daily Star"
in the spring of 1994. Used with permission from David Fitzsimmons,
The Arizona Daily Star. |
Ion exchange processes are used to reduce hardness and also can be used
to remove all types of ions, such as arsenic, chromium, excess fluoride,
nitrates, radium and uranium. Different ion exchange systems are
available, from those useful at the commercial level to small in-home
systems. Sodium or potassium is used as the exchange agent in water
Salinity can be reduced through thermal systems (distillation) or
through membrane processes. Thermal processes have been used since 4 B.C.
when Greek sailors used an evaporative process to desalinate seawater. The
thermal systems use heat to produce water vapor that is condensed to
produce fresh water. Approximately 60 percent of the desalting systems
used in the world today are thermal systems. Only between 25 percent and
50 percent of the source water is recovered, with the rest left in a
highly saline brine. These systems are most useful along the coast where a
water supply is not a problem, and the brine can easily be returned to the
Membrane processes include electrodialysis (ED), reverse osmosis (RO)
and nanofiltration (NF). ED uses electricity to move salts selectively
through a membrane, leaving fresh water behind. Because most dissolved
salts are ionic (either positively or negatively charged) and the ions are
attracted to electrodes with the opposite charge, membranes that allow
selective passage of either positive or negative ions can accomplish the
desalting. The advantage of this type of system in water-short areas is
that 80 to 90 percent of the water is recovered and only 10 to 20 percent
is lost to the brine.
RO and NF systems physically force water through membranes. Larger
suspended solids must be removed to avoid clogging the membranes. The
primary difference between RO and NF is in the size of the pores and the
energy needed for pressuring the water. The smaller the pores, the more
energy is needed.
Table 6-5 How some southwestern
communities treat their drinking
water. |
In any desalting process, a saline concentrate is produced which must
be disposed of in some manner. Various options have been suggested for CAP
water. These include a pipeline to move the brine concentrate to the Gulf
of Mexico, the Salton Sea in California or the Colorado River at Yuma.
Another option is to evaporate the brine locally, leaving a solid salt
which could be disposed of in landfills. Another possible option would be
to join with other Arizona cities to build a desalting plant near the
Colorado River. The concentrate could then be more readily taken to the
ocean or Salton Sea. Since Phoenix is not interested in participating in
building such a desalting plant, this may not be a feasible option. If
Tucson adopts desalting as a treatment method, the community would have to
accept water losses of between 15 and 25 percent as part of the process.
If 130,000 acre-feet of water were desalinated, between 25,000 and 40,000
acre-feet could be lost as brine.
The treatment strategies of three towns are described below
to illustrate the importance of analyzing community
circumstances and needs when choosing a suitable treatment
Buckeye, Arizona
Because of a long history of irrigated agriculture, the
town of Buckeye’s water supply was too salty to drink, having
TDS (total dissolved solids) ranging from 1,500 to 4,000 ppm.
The water ruined pipes and appliances and “just plain tastes
bad.” In 1962, the town became the first community in the
United States to treat all its municipal water supply with an
electrodialysis desalting plant, with a capacity of 65,000
gallons per day (gpd). In 1988, the town constructed a new
900,000 gpd electrodialysis reversal system in place of the
old system. The brine from the plant is put into evaporation
ponds. When the water evaporates, a saline sludge remains
which is released to irrigation canals.
Glendale, Arizona
The rapidly growing City of Glendale needed to build
another treatment plant to treat Salt River Project water and
CAP water. Officials had four concerns:
- Land scarcity necessitated that the new water treatment
plant take up as little space as possible;
- Turbidity needed to be reduced by removing particles in
the water, which at times is clear and at other times murky,
especially in the rainy season;
- Water had to be disinfected to meet anticipated new EPA
standards for THMs;
- Taste and odor problems occurring occasionally due to
algae growth in the canal had to be confronted.
Glendale officials decided to use ultrafiltration, a method
to remove pathogens, particles and 20 to 30 percent of the
organic matter that is a precursor of THMs. Since salinity was
not a concern, nanofiltration or reverse osmosis were not
considered. A pilot plant producing one million gallons a day
will open this spring. If the process works well, a much
larger plant will be built. The water is pretreated with
chlorine, treated with alum and allowed to settle so large
particles drop out. The water will again be dosed with
chlorine, then put through membrane filters and finally dosed
once more with chlorine in the distribution system. The use of
powdered activated carbon helps to reduce occasional taste and
odor problems. Glendale does not treat water for corrosivity.
Construction and operating costs are acceptable to the city,
especially since the cost of ultrafilters has been decreasing
as this method becomes more popular, and filters last seven
years or more. This type of filtr ation requires a smaller
facility than most other methods, so land use needs were
Las Vegas, Nevada
Las Vegas gets 85 percent of its water from the Colorado
River at Lake Mead and 15 percent from groundwater. The Las
Vegas Valley Water District considers Colorado River water to
be very high quality water needing little treatment. The
treatment process in use today involves disinfection with
chlorine, aeration, flocculation, filtration and more chlorine
treatment to produce a residual effect in the system. Although
the water readily meets EPA standards for THMs, a new
treatment plant under construction will use ozone disinfection
instead of chlorine to minimize the THM content and meet
anticipated new EPA standards. Las Vegas’ Alfred Merritt Smith
Plant will be retrofitted with five 4,000 pound-per-day ozone
generators, and the new River Mountain facility will use three
2,000 pound- per-day ozone generators. A small amount of zinc
orthophosphate is added at the end of the process to retard
corrosion and chloramine is added for residual disinfection in
the pipes. Ozonation wil l be implemented in the year 2000 at
the existing Alfred Merritt Smith Treatment Facility and at
the new River Mountain Treatment Facility which will be
constructed by 2002. This is the same treatment method used at
Tucson Water’s Hayden-Udall Treatment Plant.
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