The mineral content of water is referred to as Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS), reported in mg/L. (Mg/L is similar to parts per
million.) Total Dissolved Solids are also commonly referred to as
“salinity.” This is somewhat misleading, however, as not all the
salts found in the water are table salts. The TDS measurement
includes common elements such as sodium, calcium, magnesium,
chloride, sulfate, and bicarbonate that are combined with forms of
sulfur and carbon with oxygen. Thus, TDS includes all the dissolved
constituents of other minerals such as table salt (NaCl), gypsum
(CaSO4×2H20) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
Hardness refers to the concentrations of calcium and magnesium
ions, but is usually reported in mg/l of CaCO3. Water hardness is
linked to scale formation and the reduced cleaning efficiency of
Alkalinity, also usually reported as mg/L of CaCO3, refers to the
amount of carbonates and bicarbonates present in the water.
Alkalinity helps control the pH of water. In natural water
carbonates and bicarbonates (related to atmospheric carbon dioxide
gas) are the major constituents of alkalinity. These naturally
occurring chemicals help control the pH of water between 7.5 and
8.5. If acid is added to water the alkalinity helps neutralize the
acid without significant change in pH (Alka-seltzer effect). In
natural waters moderate alkalinity is beneficial, since it is
composed of carbonates that can combine with calcium. Calcium
carbonate forms hard stable coatings (caliche-like) inside pipes and
helps control (inhibit) corrosion. However, excessive calcium
carbonate scale formation can eventually clog pipes, particularly in
water heaters and other appliances (e.g., evaporative coolers)
susceptible to scale formation. CAP water has about 2.5 times the
hardness of Tucson groundwater, but CAP alkalinity is about 10 to 20
percent lower. Therefore, the ability of CAP water to form scale may
be slightly lower than that of Tucson’s groundwater.
Chloramine, like chlorine, is effective in controlling biofilm, which
is a slime coating in the pipe caused by bacteria. Controlling biofilms
also tends to reduce coliform concentrations and biofilm-induced corrosion
of pipes. Because chloramine is not as reactive as chlorine with organic
compounds, fewer taste and odor problems occur.
Ozonation is the process of feeding ozone into a water supply for the
purpose of decolorization, deodorization, disinfection and oxidation.
Ozone, a form of oxygen, is the most powerful disinfectant, but it is not
effective in controlling biological contaminants in the distribution pipes
because it does not have a long-lasting residual. Ozonation destroys
bacteria and viruses and requires a shorter time period to treat water
than most other water treatment methods. Ozone, a reactive gas, is made by
subjecting oxygen to high electrical voltages. Ozone’s reactive nature
allows it to readily react with and break up many organic compounds and
kill bacteria and other organisms in the water supply. On-site production
of ozone is energy-intensive. Ozone treatment is becoming more common in
the United States as questions arise about disinfection byproducts. Ozone
has been widely used in Europe for 100 years.
Table 6-3 Comparison of source water
quality to federal standards. The figures are averages. Actual
quality may vary at different times and
places. |
Membrane Filtration
Membrane filtration is a relatively recent development. Water is forced
through membranes with small pores, and anything larger than the pore size
is filtered out. Along with removing materials such as minerals, membrane
filtration also can be used for disinfection.
Four major types of membrane filtration systems are in use: reverse
osmosis (RO); nanofiltration (NF); ultrafiltration (UF); and
microfiltration (MF). The main difference between the four types is the
pore size of the membrane. This influences the amount of energy needed to
force the water through the membrane. The membranes must be cleaned
periodically. The smaller pore membranes require the most cleaning
(backwashing) which is an energy-intensive process and wastes a
significant amount of water. (See the section on desalinization below for
further discussion of RO and NF.)
- RO has the smallest pore size and removes a great variety of
materials from the water, from salts to organic materials and very small
microbes. The water to be filtered must be pretreated to prevent pore
clogging. In addition, the concentrate of materials removed by the
filter is highly saline, causing loss of available water as well as
disposal problems. This process is not primarily used for disinfection,
although disinfection is achieved in the process of desalting water.
- NF has larger pores than RO and removes, pathogens, organics and
some salts. Like RO the process requires pretreatment of water with
chemicals or a sand-based system. NF has not been used commercially on a
large scale for drinking water.
- UF has larger pores than NF and is highly effective in removing
pathogens, including parasites such as giardia, but does not remove
salts. Because it has large pores, UF does not leave a saline
concentrate, although filters must be backwashed to keep the pores open.
It is used primarily in the food and pharmaceutical industries, rather
than large scale water treatment plants.
- MF has the largest pores of the membrane systems and removes
particles, but not pathogens or organics. MF may be used as a
pretreatment process for RO or NF, thus reducing some of the problems of
those systems.
Several methods can be combined in the treatment process. Tucson Water
initially chose ozone plus chloramine to treat CAP water because officials
viewed this as the most effective treatment method with the least risk to
human health. The ozone performs the initial disinfection while the
chloramine provides the residual to control microbes throughout the
distribution system. Tucson Water chose not to use chlorine in the CAP
water treatment plant because of concerns about THMs. Tucson Water and
some private water companies such as Metro Water, however, use chlorine to
disinfect groundwater. THMs generally are not a concern with groundwater
since little organic matter is found in groundwater to combine with