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reader response

These are comments and questions we have received from readers of Initiatives. Write your question or comment on the Reader Service Card and send it in. We will print selected responses in future issues.

Comment: Page 5 of your April issue gives the wrong information for ordering EPA documents.

Christine Van Lenten
Weston/Jacobs, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Response: You're right, and we apologize. You can request the documents from the National Center for Environmental Publications and Information at (513) 489-8190. The document order numbers are:

Ground-Water Treatment Technology Resource Guide

Physical/Chemical Treatment Technology Resource Guide

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Treatment and Technology Resource Guide

Innovative Treatment Technologies:
Annual Status Report (Sixth Edition)

NCEPI provides the documents at no charge. NCEPI is currently out of copies of the Ground-Water Treatment Technology Resource Guide. It may be reprinted. When NCEPI is out of publications, you can order from the National Technology Information Services by calling (800) 553-6847. NTIS, however, charges for the publications. The order numbers when calling NTIS are:

Ground-Water Treatment Technology Resource Guide (PB95138657)

Physical/Chemical Treatment Technology Resource Guide (PB95138665)

Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Treatment and Technology Resource Guide (PB95138681)

Innovative Treatment Technologies: Annual Status Report (Sixth Edition) (PB95138152)

The publications range from $17.50 to $27.00 for one paper copy. There is an additional handling charge.

Comment: Having Internet addresses, as you do, is a great idea.

Brian Heimbigner
RCC, Bellevue, Washington

Q: Who do we contact to submit articles?

Amy Bartek
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

A: To discuss ideas for articles about technologies being developed in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Technology Development, call the Initiatives assistant editor at (703) 231-3324. If you would like to submit notices for meetings or conferences or make conference proceedings available to Initiatives readers, send the information to Initiatives editor, Waste Policy Institute, 1872 Pratt Drive, Suite 1600, Blacksburg, VA 24060; Fax: (703) 231-3968. Ideas and information must be submitted by the first day of the month preceding an issue (September 1 for the October issue).

Comment: We are the largest publisher of environmental technology books and your Initiatives is helpful.

Robert Noyes
Noyes Publications - Park Ridge, New Jersey

Q: Who can we contact regarding EnviroTRADE?

A: EnviroTRADE is now available on the Internet as a link through GNET. See the related article in this issue for more information about GNET.

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