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GNET provides technology information

The Global Network for Environmental Technology is a new resource for environmental technology information. GNET was developed to serve as an information and communications tool for accessing environmental technologies, markets, funding, and contacts. Currently under beta testing, the system is available through a homepage on the Internet, at, and by modem. To connect by modem version, contact GNET for a UserID and password.

GNET allows users to search through the Environmental Technology Collection and GNET News Collection. It also provides connections to other Internet search addresses, such as Yahoo, Lycros, and WebCrawler. Environmental Technologist Magazine, a GNET publication, contains articles, viewpoints, news briefs, source updates, and letters.

The system contains environmental technology laws and regulations, strategy and policy, news, market, and funding information. Members can use electronic mail, transfer files, participate in small group conferencing, and access databases. System experts are available online for consulting, training, and technical support.

Developed and maintained by InterWorld, an Internet developer, GNET is available by subscription. During the beta test, the system is free. For more information contact:

7010 Little River Turnpike
Suite 300
Annandale, Virginia 22003
Toll Free: (800) 639-GNET or (800) 639-4638
Phone (703) 750-6401; Fax (703) 750-6506

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