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Look in the ATTIC for innovative treatment methods

The list of environmental remediation technologies is quickly expanding. Searching through these technologies can be as easy as looking in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's ATTIC—the Alternative Treatment Technology Information Center. This electronic bulletin board system provides up-to-date information on innovative treatment methods.

Available 24 hours a day, ATTIC contains doors to five databases, two document sections, and a calendar of events. By opening ATTIC doors, users can connect to the Treatment Technology database, EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory treatability database, Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (see June Initiatives), and the Oil/Chemical Spill Abstract database. The system also offers chat (or online conversation) and message systems.

All databases are menu-oriented and searchable. The Treatment Technology database contains more than 2,500 documents on biological, chemical, physical, and thermal remediation technologies. It also includes sections on solidification and stabilization. Most of the documents contain citation information. The Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory treatability database contains a list of compound chemical names. Users can retrieve aqueous or physical data reports by entering the compound name. The database also displays alternative names and references for the compound. The Underground Storage Tank database provides data and narrative on hazardous materials spills, remedial action, and cleanup for Superfund sites. It also contains corrective actions for UST problems. The Oil/Chemical Spill Abstract database is listed on ATTIC, but was not available when Initiatives staff accessed it before press time.

ATTIC also lists other EPA databases: Bioremediation in the Field Search System (BFSS), Pollution Prevention Progress (P2P), and Records of Decision (ROD). BFSS is available for use through ATTIC. It provides access to information on 150 waste sites where bioremediation is being tested, implemented, or has been completed. Users can search, view data on specific sites, and print reports. Information on P2P software is listed in ATTIC, but is not available through the system. P2P can be obtained from the National Risk Management Research Laboratory at (513) 569-7215. It provides information on progress in pollution prevention resulting from redesign, reformulation, or replacement. P2P compares the amount of pollution generated by the original design with that generated from the new design. ROD is also listed in ATTIC, but is not available through the system. It includes information on technologies used to clean up sites and provides justification for the technology used at specific sites. ROD is available on CD-ROM and can be purchased for $325 from the National Technical Information Service at (800) 553-6847. ROD's publication number is PB95-593-551.

To look into EPA's ATTIC by modem, dial (703) 908-2138. Use these parameters: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and N parity at 1200, 2400, or 9600 baud.

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