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Title Author Journal Date
Scrappy new programs for tire recycling. (includes related articles)  Barry Wise.  American City & County  Nov 1994 v109 n12 p63(10) 
Tired of dumping, Broward County cleans up. (Florida, scrap tire program)  John Price.  American City & County  April 1994 v109 n5 p 42(2) 
Scrap tires: management and economics.  Neil N. Eldin, Julian A. Piekarski.  Journal of Environmental Engineering  Nov-Dec 1993 v119 n6 p1217(16) 
Taking the tire the final mile. (management of waste tires)  Galen Al Moore, Tammy Wuestenberg, Jackie Hall.  Journal of Environmental Health  July-August 1995 v58 n1 p13(3) 
Old tyres leave their mark. (recycling of tires)  Tam Dalyell.  New Scientist  Jan 8, 1994 v141 n1907 p45(1) 
Waste tire stockpile removal. (removal of tire stockpile in Scottsbluff, Nebraska)  Alan R. Mueller.  Public Management  June 1993 v75 n6 p18(2) 
Duty of care. (the problem of waste tires)  John McPhee.  The New Yorker  June 28, 1993 v69 n19 p72(9) 
The blackest town in the world: for miles and miles, everything and creature in his once green valley is veiled in soot. (Copsa Mica, Romania)  Time  March 19, 1990 v135 n12 p34(2) 
Puncturing the scrap tire problem. (Includes related article on recycling of scrap tires to new tires)  Robert Steuteville.  BioCycle  Oct 1995 v36 n10 p51(2) 
prt7 Copepods make tire-heaps copacetic. (using crustaceans to prevent mosquitoes breeding in used tires)  Science News Nov 17, 1990 v138 n20 p318(1)
pra4 Mutagenicity and chemical analysis of emissions from the open burning of scrap rubber tires. David M. DeMarini, Paul M. Lemieux, Jeffrey V. Ryan, Lance R. Brooks, W. Williams Environmental Science & Technology  Jan 1994 v28 n1 p136(6) 
prt8 Toxic flames. (Tyre King Tyre Recycling Ltd. fire, near Hagersville, Ontario) Tim Powis Maclean's Feb 26, 1990 v103 n9 p47(1)
pra5 Scarp tyres: a burning issue Fred Pearce New Scientist Nov 20, 1993 v140 n1900 p13(2)
prt9 The fire mountain: battling the blaze at a Quebec tire dump. (St. Amble, Quebec) Barry Came Maclean's May 28, 1990 v103 n22 p50(1)
pra6 Tires block Superfund cleanup and insight into contamination. (Davis liquid waste site in Rhode Island) ENR Dec 9, 1996 v237 n24 p12(1)

Title Author
World Leaders Discuss Scrap Tires  Scrap Tire News Online
Discussion paper presented to the Waste Management Association of Australia RecycLink
Synopsis of Scrap Rubber Reclamation in Canada Philip E. Coulter
Secretary & Director of Research for N.A.R.R.A.
Education and Investments: 
Sure Picks For Tire Recyclers' Spring Agenda
International Tire and Rubber Association
The tire and rubber industry: 
                                   Leading a dynamic lifecycle
By  ITRA's Tire and Rubber Advisory Council
Scrap Tire Facts & Figures 1996 The Scrap Tire Management Council
Chautauqua County Tire Fire Dee Huber, et al.
Mosquitoes Disease and Scrap Tires Office of Mosquito Abatement Coordination 
TIRE DUMPS : RISKS AND DANGERS Pennsylvania Waste Tire Recycling Program
prh10 Waste Tires  New York State Waste Reduction & Recycling Program
prh11 Stockpiles - The Other Side of Tire Recycling Scrap Tire News Online
prh12 The Trouble With Tires RECYLING TODAY
prh13 Same Tired Story RECYLING TODAY
prh14 Scrap Tire Facts & Figures 1998 The Scrap Tire Management Council


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