VI. Conclusion

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is committed to becoming a leader in the state’s effort to become more responsible environmental stewards.   DENR leadership is encouraging individual Divisions to implement sustainability initiatives and to instill in their employees a conservation ethic. Many DENR Divisions have made significant strides over the last year to implement their own sustainability projects and to make sure that employees have access to environmental education resources and materials.  As this report indicates, DENR is positioned to become a role model and resource for statewide environmental sustainability efforts in the year 2000.  The Department plans to continue to promote Division and individual employee sustainability achievements and to support statewide environmental education efforts to raise employee awareness of the consequences of our actions as State Government employees and as citizens of North Carolina.

| Home Page | Introduction | Employee Initiatives |
| Division Initiatives | Shared Goals for DENR Divisions | Status of Department Initiatives |
Conclusion |