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Construction Specification



The work shall consist of furnishing and spreading topsoil to specified depths at locations shown on the drawings.


Topsoil shall consist of friable surface soil reasonably free of grass, roots, weeds, sticks, rocks or other unsuitable materials. Additional quality requirements, if any, are contained in Section 7 of this specification.


Method 1 Topsoil shall be salvaged from designated earth surfaces that will be disturbed by construction activities. After designated sites have been cleared and grubbed, the topsoil shall be removed from the designated areas and shall be stockpiled at locations shown on the drawings or acceptable to the Engineer. Unsuitable materials encountered during removal of topsoil shall be disposed of at locations shown on the drawings or approved by the Engineer, or otherwise hauled and disposed of at locations removed from the construction site. The Contractor is responsible for complying with all local rules and regulations and the payment of any and all fees that may result from the disposal at locations outside the construction work limits.

Method 2 Topsoil shall be furnished from an off-site source designated by the Contractor. The Engineer shall be granted access to the source for inspection and acceptance prior to delivery to the site. Test results and samples shall be provided when specified in Section 7 of this specification.


Stockpiles of topsoil shall not conflict with the requirements of Construction Specification 5, Pollution Control, when made a part of this contract.


Method 1 Spreading shall not be conducted when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet or otherwise in a condition detrimental to uniform spreading operations. Surfaces designated to receive a topsoil application shall be lightly scarified just prior to the spreading operation.

Following the spreading operation, the topsoil surface shall be left reasonably smooth and without ruts or surface irregularities that could contribute to concentrated water flow down slope.

Method 2 Spreading shall not be performed when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet or otherwise in a condition detrimental to uniform spreading operations. Surfaces designated to receive a topsoil application shall be lightly scarified just prior to the spreading operation. Where compacted earthfills are designated to be topsoiled, the topsoil shall be placed concurrently with the earthfill and shall be bonded to the compacted fill with the compacting equipment.

Following the spreading operation, the topsoil surface shall be left reasonably smooth and without ruts or surface irregularities that could contribute to concentrated water flow down slope.


Method 1 The total surface(s) covered by topsoil will be measured and the area(s) computed to the nearest square yard. Payment for furnishing and placing topsoil will be made at the contract unit price.

Method 2 The total surface(s) covered by topsoil, except the surface area(s) of embankments, levees, dikes and other earthfills will not be included for payment, will be measured and the area(s) computed to the nearest square yard.

Payment for topsoil spread on the surfaces of embankments, levees, dikes and other earthfills will be included in the measurement and payment for that item of earthfill where topsoil application occurred.

Method 3 For items of work for which specific unit prices are established in the contract, the volume of topsoil furnished and spread will be computed to the nearest cubic yard by the method of average cross-sectional end areas from surveys of the excavated topsoil stockpile or, if not stockpiled, cross-sectional surveys of the borrow area(s). Payment for furnishing and spreading topsoil will be made at the contract unit price.

All Methods The following provisions apply to all methods of measurement and payment. Compensation for any item of work described in the contract but not listed in the bid schedule will be included in the payment for the item of work to which it is made subsidiary. Such items and the items to which they are made subsidiary are identified in Section 6 of this specification.

All Payment Methods Payment will constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, materials and all other items necessary and incidental to the completion of the work, including excavating, stockpiling, hauling, and spreading, including the wasting of unsuitable excavated material.