Home List of Construction Specifications

Construction Specification



The work shall consist of installing measures or performing work to control erosion and minimize the production of sediment and other pollutants to water and air from construction activities.


All materials furnished shall meet the requirements of the Material Specifications listed in Section 8 of this specification.


The measures and works shall include, but are not limited to, the following:

Staging of Earthwork Activities The excavation and moving of soil materials shall be scheduled to minimize the size of areas disturbed and unprotected from erosion for the shortest reasonable time.

Seeding Seeding to protect disturbed areas shall occur as soon as reasonably possible following completion of that earthwork activity.

Mulching Mulching to provide temporary protection of soil surfaces from erosion.

Diversions Diversions to divert water from work areas and to collect water from work areas for treatment and safe disposition. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its near original condition when they are no longer required or when permanent measures are installed.

Stream Crossings Culverts or bridges where equipment must cross streams. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the restored to its near original condition when they are no longer required or when permanent measures are installed.

Sediment Basins Sediment basins to collect, settle and eliminate sediment from eroding areas from impacting properties and streams below the construction site(s). These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition when they are no longer required or when permanent measures are installed.

Sediment Filters Straw bale filters or geotextile sediment fences to trap sediment from areas of limited runoff. Sediment filters shall be properly anchored to prevent erosion under or around them. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition when they are no longer required or when permanent measures are installed.

Waterways Waterways for the safe disposal of runoff from fields, diversions and other structures or measures. These works are temporary and shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition when they are no longer required or when permanent measures are installed.

Other Additional protection measures as specified in Section 8 of this specification or required by Federal, State, or Local Government.


The Contractor shall provide water-tight tanks or barrels, or construct a sump sealed with plastic sheets to be used to dispose of chemical pollutants, such as drained lubricating or transmission fluids, grease, soaps, concrete mixer wash water, asphalt, etc., produced as a by-product of the construction activities. At the completion of the construction work, sumps shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition as specified in Section 8 of this specification. Sump removal shall be conducted without causing pollution.

Sanitary facilities such as chemical toilets, or septic tanks shall not be located adjacent to live streams, wells, or springs. They shall be located at a distance sufficient to prevent contamination of any water source. At the completion of construction activities, facilities shall be disposed of without causing pollution as specified in Section 8 of this specification.


The burning of brush and/or slash, and disposal of other materials shall adhere to state and local regulations.

Fire prevention measures shall be taken to prevent the start or spreading of wild fires which may result from project activities. Firebreaks or guards shall be constructed and maintained at locations shown on the drawings.

All public access or haul roads used by the contractor during construction of the project shall be sprinkled or otherwise treated to fully suppress dust. All dust control methods shall insure safe construction operations at all times. If chemical dust suppressants are applied, the material shall be a commercially available product specifically designed for dust suppression and the application shall follow manufacturer’s requirements and recommendations. A copy of the product data sheet and manufacturer’s recommended application procedures shall be provided to the Engineer five (5) working days prior to the first application.


All pollution control measures and temporary works shall be adequately maintained in a functional condition for the duration of the construction period. All temporary measures shall be removed and the site restored to near original condition.


Method 1 For items of work for which specific unit prices are established in the contract, each item will be measured to the nearest unit applicable. Payment for each item will be made at the contract unit price for that item. For water or chemical suppressant items used for dust control for which items of work are established in Section 8 of this specification, measurement for payment will not include water or chemical suppressants that are used inappropriately or excessive to need. Such payment will constitute full compensation for the completion of the work.

Method 2 For items of work for which lump sum prices are established in the contract, payment will be made as the work proceeds and supported by invoices presented by the Contractor that reflect actual costs. If the total of all progress payments is less than the lump sum contract price for this item, the balance remaining for this item will be included in the final contract payment. Payment of the lump sum contract price will constitute full compensation for completion of the work.

Method 3 For items of work for which lump sum prices are established in the contract, payment will be prorated and provided in equal amounts on each monthly progress payment estimate. The number of months used for prorating shall be the number estimated to complete the work as outlined in the Contractor’s approved construction schedule. The final month’s prorate amount will be provided with the final contract payment. Payment as described above will constitute full compensation for completion of the work.

All Methods The following provisions apply to all methods of measurement and payment. Compensation for any item of work described in the contract but not listed in the bid schedule will be included in the payment for the item of work to which it is made subsidiary. Such items, and the items to which they are made subsidiary, are identified in Section 8 of this specification.