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Instructions For Use of Construction Specification 4


1. Applicability

Construction Specification 4 is applicable to the clearing, removal, and disposal of woody and other vegetation; removal and disposal of trash and rubbish; and the earth shaping of the bottom and sides of the channel. This specification is applicable for natural floodways, constructed channels, and other drainage systems.

2. Material Specifications

There are no material specifications complementary to Construction Specification 4.

3. Items to be Included in Contract Specifications and Drawings

a. The special markings indicating trees to be left standing, undisturbed, and uninjured must be described.

b. For Section 2, Protection of Existing Vegetation, when the specific size of replacement plant is known or is desired, specify the number, size and species of the replacement in Section 8. Example: "Any tree designated to remain or is irreparably damaged shall be replaced with two 15 gallon size Valley Oak (Quercus lobata) as directed by the Contracting Officer."

c. Areas in which disposal of refuse material or other waste materials resulting from channel clearing and shaping activities will not be allowed or areas where disposal will be limited or restricted, if known.

d. Restrictions on the burning of combustible materials as a disposal procedure, if any.

e. The reaches of the stream or channel where shaping is to be performed.

f. An illustration and/or description that provides the shaping requirements.

g. Method(s) of measurement and payment, if the standard specification includes more than one method.

4. Discussion of Methods

a. Section 7, Measurement and Payment

(1) Method 1 is intended for irregular-shaped reaches that need to be physically measured in the field. Section 8 should specify horizontal or surface measurements to be used to determine area cleared and shaped.

(2) Methods 2 and 3 are intended for long channel reaches with uniform widths and minor variations in width, respectively. Section 8 should specify horizontal or surface measurements to be used to determine area cleared and shaped.

(3) Method 4 is intended for use where the amount of work required is relatively consistent throughout the described work area. For this method, procedures that will be used to determine the amount of work satisfactorily completed for progress payment needs to be identified in Section 8. Options may include:

-- an on site agreed-to estimate of the percent of work satisfactorily completed at time of cutoff;

-- require the contractor to provide supporting calculations to determine extent of work satisfactorily completed;

-- other suitable and fair methods, one of which could be related to the construction schedule.

When specifications are prepared using electronic procedures and all but one method are deleted for use in the contract specification, delete "All Methods The following provisions apply to all methods of measurement and payment." and left justify the remaining text.