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Construction Specification



The work shall consist of clearing designated areas by the removal and disposal of trees, logs, stumps, shrubs, brush, and rubbish, and the shaping of the channel.


Trees and other vegetation designated to remain undisturbed shall be protected from damage throughout the duration of the construction period. Any damages resulting from the Contractor’s operations or neglect shall be repaired by the Contractor.

Earthfill, stockpiling of materials, vehicle or equipment parking, and excessive foot or vehicle traffic shall not be allowed within the drip line of vegetation designated to remain in place. Vegetation damaged by any of these or similar actions shall be replaced with viable vegetation of the same species, similar condition, and like size unless otherwise approved by the Contracting Officer.

Any cuts, skins, scrapes or bruises to the bark of the vegetation shall be carefully trimmed and local nursery accepted procedures utilized to seal damaged bark.

Any limbs or branches one-half (1/2) inch or greater in diameter which are broken, severed or otherwise seriously damaged during construction shall be cutoff at the base of the damaged limb or branch, flush with the adjacent limb or tree trunk.

All roots one (1) inch or greater in diameter which are cut, broken or otherwise severed during channel shaping shall have the end smoothly cut perpendicular to the root. Roots exposed during channel shaping operations shall be covered with moist soil as soon as possible to prevent roots from drying out.


The limits of the area(s) to be cleared and shaped will be marked by means of stakes, flags, paint, tree markings or other suitable methods, or as specified in Section 8 of this specification, or will be shown on the drawings. Trees to remain standing, undisturbed, and uninjured will be designated by special markings.


Trees and other vegetation marked for clearing shall be cut off as near the ground surface as conventional tools and equipment will normally permit. All trees not marked for preservation and all snags, logs, brush, shrubs, stumps, and rubbish shall be cleared from within the area limits identified.


All woody material, vegetation, and rubbish resulting from clearing from designated areas shall be disposed of at the locations and in a manner shown on the drawings, or as specified in Section 8 of this specification.


The channel bottom and side slopes shall be shaped as shown on the drawings. The resulting shaped channel surface shall be reasonably smooth. Material excavated during the channel shaping operation shall be removed from the channel and disposed of as specified in Section 8 of this specification.


Method 1 For items of work for which specific unit prices are established by the contract, the designated cleared and shaped area will be measured and the area determined to the nearest 0.1 acre. Payment for clearing and shaping will be at the contract unit price for the item and shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, applicable permits and associated fees for burning and disposal of refuse, and all other items necessary and incidental to the satisfactory completion of the work.

Method 2 For items of work for which specific unit prices are established by the contract, the length of the cleared and shaped channel designated will be measured to the nearest 100 feet. Payment for clearing and shaping will be made at the contract unit price for the item and shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, applicable permits and associated fees for burning and disposal of refuse, and all other items necessary and incidental to the satisfactory performance of the work.

Method 3 For items of work for which specific unit prices are established by the contract, the cleared and shaped area(s) will be measured and the area determined to the nearest 0.1 acre. The designated cleared and shaped area(s) will be determined from the measured width at representative sections and the distance between the sections. Payment for clearing and shaping will be made at the contract unit price for the item and shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, applicable permits and associated fees for burning and disposal of refuse, and all other items necessary and incidental to the satisfactory completion of the work.

Method 4 For items of work for which specific lump sum prices are established by the contract, the extent of clearing and shaping will not be measured or determined for payment. Payment for clearing and shaping will be made at the contract lump sum price for the item and shall constitute full compensation for all labor, equipment, tools, applicable permits and associated fees for burning and disposal of refuse, and all other items necessary and incidental to the satisfactory completion of the work.

All Methods The following provisions apply to all methods of measurement and payment. Compensation for any item of work described in the contract, but not listed in the bid schedule, will be included in the payment for the item of work to which it is made subsidiary. Such items and items to which they have been made subsidiary are identified in Section 8 of this specification.