1. Introduction

  2. »What are Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention?«

  3. Why are Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Important?

  4. Purchasing Chemicals

  5. Managing Chemical Inventories

  6. Dealing with an Existing Inventory of Unwanted Chemicals

  7. Conducting Experiments

  8. Scaling Down Experiments

  9. Substituting Materials

  10. Alternatives to Wet Chemistry

  11. Reusing and Recycling Chemical Resources

  12. Segregating Waste Streams

  13. In-Laboratory Treatment of Wastes

  14. Working with School Administrators, Students, Other Schools, and the Community

  15. Getting More Information

  16. Appendix A—Waste Minimization Checklist
Pollution prevention means not generating waste in the first place by reducing it at the source. Waste minimization is a broader term that also includes recycling and other means to reduce the amount of waste which must be treated/disposed of.

Hazardous waste

A waste chemical is a chemical that has no further use. A hazardous waste is a chemical that presents a danger to people or the environment. Regulatory agencies determine which chemicals are considered hazardous. Sometimes, specific chemicals are regulated as hazardous substances (e.g., carbon tetrachloride). Other times, chemicals or chemical mixtures are regulated based on their hazardous characteristics, such as ignitability, reactivity, corrosivity, and toxicity.

Most hazardous waste definitions and requirements are set by the federal government; however, some states have differing definitions and requirements. Consequently it is important to also check state regulations to see which waste chemicals are regulated as hazardous.

Because this guidance focuses on waste minimization, we won't go into more detail on hazardous waste regulation. However, keep in mind that meeting regulatory requirements is a key part of the proper management of laboratory waste. It is important to be familiar with the requirements covering lab waste developed by agencies such as:

  • the local fire department
  • the local sewer agency
  • the state environmental agency
  • the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Some of the references in Chapter 15 will help you identify these regulations.

The waste management hierarchy

There are a variety of methods to deal with the problem of hazardous wastes.

The Waste Management Hierarchy

Most desirable
Reduce waste production at the source.

Recover and reuse wastes on-site (i.e., recycling).

Recycle off-site.

Treat wastes to reduce volume or toxicity.

Dispose of wastes in a manner that protects air, water quality, land quality, and human health and safety.

Least desirable

The waste management hierarchy above shows methods of dealing with hazardous waste, in order of preference. The most preferable option on the hierarchy is to reduce the amount of waste that is produced in the first place. This approach—known as source reduction—means that no one has to deal with the waste at all. This is the cornerstone of pollution prevention.

Unfortunately, not all waste can be eliminated, and the waste that is generated must be dealt with. The second best option for managing this waste includes recycling, refining, or recovering the waste for reuse so that new raw materials are not required and so that waste pollutants never reach the land (e.g., a landfill), the water, or the atmosphere, and resources are conserved.

If that is not possible, the next best option would be to treat the waste to reduce its toxicity and its potential for harming the environment.

The least preferred management method for hazardous wastes (and non-hazardous wastes) is disposal by landfilling or incineration with proper disposal of the residual ash.

While each of these options may be necessary for managing waste at certain times, it is in our best interests to always try to “move up the management hierarchy” with the wastes we generate. At the top of the hierarchy, source reduction should be the cornerstone of our efforts. It is the emphasis of this guide.

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