
/ Pacific Northwest Sustainable Energy Demonstration / Project Report: Energy Independent Communities - This project evaluates converting an island community from importation of all energy to producing all energy locally from renewable resources

/ Sustainable Agriculture / Presentations /
Ecospheres Conference - Lincoln, Nebraska - Farm Environmental Management Systems in Nebraska: A Case Study

/ Life Cycle Asessment / Presentations /
LCA of Foods Conference - Gothenburg, Sweden -Developing a Land Use/ Biodiversity Indicator for Agricultural Product LCA's - Article from the proceedings / Slide presentation

/ Life Cycle Assessment / Presentations /
10 May 2001 - City of Seattle - Introduction to LCA for Purchasing Agents

/ Community Based Environmental Management / Presentations /
3 May 2001 - Tricities - Using The ISO 14000 Series Standards For Increasing Profits
2 May 2001 - Tricities - The ISO 14000 Series Standards: Relevance to Business, Communities and the Environment

/ Sustainable Agriculture / IPM Implementation Plan for the Nebraska Cattle Industry /

Substantial work on Integrated Pest Management in Livestock has provided technical resources for managing pests on livestock. However, up to now little has been done to develop a program that supports the adoption of IPM practices in this important agricultural sector. This plan describes an IPM plan for the cattle industry in Nebraska. It is based on the use of a comprehensive environmental management system that includes conformance to international standards and the use of life cycle assessment to provide ecolabels.
The IPM plan in pdf format can be found here.

/ Biodiversity-Landuse Indicators Workshop / Report

Changes in landscape due to such activities as agriculture, silviculture, fishing, urban sprawl and transportation infrastructure have been recognized for some time as one of the major causes of the loss of biodiversity planet-wide. The lack of a consistent measurement tool or tools (i.e., indicators) makes it difficult to assess relative impacts and direct programs towards better conservation practices. Recognizing this need, the Defenders of Wildlife and the Institute for Environmental Research and Education (IERE) organized a workshop at the Defenders of Wildlife's national offices in Washington D.C. held on 13 July 2000. The workshop was attended by representatives of environmental NGO's, the U.S. Government, university researchers and business. Interests ranged widely, but most of the participants had direct experience in developing or using indicators or standards for environmental performance.
A report on the workshop can be found here.

/ InLCA Conference / Agenda, Abstracts and Slide Presentations

IERE co-sponsored the meeting:
The International Conference & Exhibition on Life Cycle Assessment: Tools for Sustainability, April 25 - 27, 2000, Arlington, Virginia
with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development. The final agenda is available here. The agenda includes links to the abstracts. Many of the abstracts include links to the individual slide presentations in pdf format.

To obtain an individual slide presentation in pdf format, start with the agenda. Follow the link to the abstract of interest. If a slide presentation is available, the abstract will include a link to the pdf file.

The abstracts and pdf slide presentations have also been zipped together by session and are available through the links below:

Session I - Opening Plenary (

Session II

Session III

Session IV