Nutrient Management Planning:
Win/Win and We Can Do Better
James Pease
Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, VPI&SU
Laura VanDyke
Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, VPI&SU
Darrell Bosch
Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, VPI&SU
James Baker
Dept. of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences, VPI&SU
Concern over agricultural nonpoint source pollution increasingly
focuses on concentrated livestock operations, which attract particular attention because
of the production, storage, and disposal of large amounts of nitrogen- and
phosphorus-bearing manure. Improper manure disposal or excessive applications to crop and
pasture land may have impacts on surface and ground water. High nitrate levels in water
supplies have been directly related to regions of high animal concentration across the
U.S. (Duda and Finan 1983; Kingery et al. 1993; Moore et al.1995). Since Virginia's dairy
and poultry industries generate over 40% of the Commonwealth's agricultural production
value, it is imperative to understand and remedy unsafe practices in the most
cost-effective manner. The extent of pollution potential was indicated by Bosch et al.
(1992), who estimated that 57% of crop and pasture land sites in Rockingham (Virginia's
most intensive livestock production county) received manure applications in 1990. It was
found that poultry farmers over applied nitrogen to farm fields by an average of 49 pounds
per acre (relative to university recommendations) and over applied phosphate by 137 pounds
per acre, while dairy farmers over applied phosphate to farm fields by an average of 93
pounds per acre. The study concluded that such practices posed a serious potential for
nonpoint source pollution. Parsons (1995) found that 89 percent of 3,766 soil samples from
Rockingham county rated either "very high" or "high" in phosphorus.
Such soils do not require any additional phosphorus applications for optimal plant growth,
either in the current year or for several years to come. It can be expected that soil
nitrogen levels are also quite elevated.
In Virginia, a major public sector tool in controlling water quality
pollution resulting from agricultural activities is farm nutrient management planning. The
focus of such planning is farmer adoption of conservation practices designed to better
manage the use of inorganic and organic fertilizers. These management practices are
detailed in a written nutrient management (NM) plan. Although incentives or permitting
regulations may sometimes be involved, farmers usually agree voluntarily to follow the NM
practices detailed in the plan. Since nitrogen is considered to be the primary nutrient
pollutant of the Chesapeake Bay, NM plans are designed to control nitrogen runoff and
percolation from farm fields. However, evaluation of the on-farm environmental and
economic impacts of NM planning is lacking.
In this study, the before-and-after effects of NM practices on farm
profit and farm-level nitrogen losses were estimated for four Virginia livestock farms
which had implemented a NM plan: a southwest dairy, a Shenandoah Valley dairy, a southeast
crop/swine farm, and a Piedmont poultry farm. These farms were chosen in consultation with
nutrient management specialists in the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
to represent a cross-section of livestock farm sizes and topographical/hydrological
characteristics. The Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) was used to estimate
changes in crop yields and potential nitrogen losses before and after the implementation
of the plan (Williams et al.1989). EPIC is a computer model used to simulate multi-year
interactions of weather, hydrology, erosion, nutrient cycling, plant growth, pesticide
fate, soil temperature, economics, plant environmental control and soil tillage. EPIC
estimates nutrient losses at the edge of the field and through the bottom layer of the
root zone, and does not estimate nutrient loadings to water supplies. As such, the results
estimated here should be taken as a measure of pollution potential rather than as
pollution loadings. EPIC has been widely tested and used throughout the United States and
other countries.
In consultation with a soil scientist, nutrient management specialists,
and the farm operator, the major soils, slopes, and rotations on each farm were grouped
into a manageable number (as many as 10 soils, 4 slopes, and 4 rotations across farms).
For each soil, slope, and rotation combination, an identical daily weather series was
randomly generated for one hundred simulated years, using 1953 to 1993 rainfall and
temperature from the weather station nearest the farm as the expected probability
distribution for weather parameters. Total nitrogen (N) losses are estimated as nitrate
losses with runoff, organic nitrogen losses with sediment, and mineral nitrogen losses in
subsurface flow and percolation. Volatization losses to the atmosphere are not considered
for NM planning, and are not reported here. Phosphorus (P) losses, although not explicitly
considered in NM planning, are estimated by EPIC and are reported.
Any changes in crop yields and production resulting from altered field
management practices implemented in the NM plan, such as fertilization levels, crop
rotations, or tillage, were estimated with EPIC, related costs or returns were estimated,
and the impacts on farm net returns were analyzed using partial budgets. Investment costs,
such as for manure storage, were considered as average annual values using straight-line
depreciation, and annual costs were included for maintenance, repairs, and insurance.
Additional costs such as pre-sidedress nitrogen tests, split nitrogen applications, and
manure hauling costs included estimates for supplies, labor, and machinery. Information
used in developing budgets was obtained primarily through interviews with the producers,
supplemented by machine cost information and crop price information from secondary
Nutrient loss abatement and changes in annualized net returns
attributable to the farm's nutrient management planning are summarized in Table 1. As a
result of the nutrient management plan, N applications were reduced by 21-47 percent
across the four farms. Adoption of nutrient management practices resulted in significant
reductions of potential nitrogen and phosphorus losses for each farm. Average annual N
losses decreased by 23-45 percent, while phosphorus losses decreased by 0-66 percent. The
principal pathway for nutrient losses before and after the plan was sediment erosion, as
nutrients adhere to soil particles as they are washed off the field in rainfall runoff.
The net impact of farm practice changes increased net farm income by $395-$4593 per year.
Increases in farm income resulted primarily from reductions in commercial fertilizer
purchases, which in turn were caused by more accurately crediting animal wastes for
nutrient content. On the Piedmont poultry farm, however, income was increased by
additional sales of poultry litter resulting from decreased litter application rates. On
the Shenandoah dairy farms and the southeast swine farm, large reductions in nutrient
losses were associated with installation of manure storage, which allowed the producer to
store animal wastes until needed by growing crops. All farms spread manure on larger
acreages after implementing the plan, thus lowering applications and losses on the smaller
area formerly preferred for application.
Loss reductions vary widely within a farm. Nitrogen loss reductions on
the Shenandoah dairy, for example, ranged from 5-50 percent depending on soil, slope, and
crop rotation. As could be expected, losses with soil erosion are greater for row crops
with no winter cover. Poorer quality soils with high potential for percolation losses
resulted in higher losses for identical rotations and slopes. On all farms, as the field
slope increases, the absolute magnitude of nitrogen loss reductions resulting from the
plan is greater. For example, on the southwest dairy fields with Frederick soils and
corn-rye-wheat rotations, nitrogen loss reductions are 9, 11 and 13.3 pounds per acre when
slopes are 4.5%, 10.5%, and 16.5%. This suggests that greater nitrogen loss reductions may
be possible by targeting high-loss potential soils, slopes and rotations within a farm for
nutrient management.
Methods to investigate improved NM planning were investigated with a
whole-farm linear programming model (LPNM). The Shenandoah dairy was chosen to be modeled.
The variety of rotations, soils, and slopes present on the farm permit examination of the
potential to further reduce nutrient losses beyond the levels of the current nutrient
management plan through routing of manure and fertilizers according to the loss potential
of individual fields and through changes in management practices and crop rotations. The
model maximizes annual farm profit subject to resource constraints and parametrically
varied whole-farm nitrogen losses. The model may 'choose' from a large set of alternatives
within the resource base of the farm, including alternatives which involve timing and
application amounts of fertilizer or manure to crops and pasture, or which vary crop
rotations. Nitrogen losses for each alternative were estimated with EPIC. Budgets were
constructed which reflect the variable costs of production of each alternative. Although
the estimates of costs and nutrient losses vary slightly between the case farm analysis
and the whole-farm linear programming analysis, the estimated case farm nitrogen losses
were taken as the baseline to evaluate further nutrient loss reductions.
Results indicate that there is potential for an additional 15 percent
reduction in nitrogen losses when the optimization model is allowed to maximize profits
through choosing crop rotations and nutrient application practices based on field
environmental loss potential. This additional loss reduction is achieved with no loss in
farm income. The marginal cost of such additional loss reductions in terms of farm income
begins to rise sharply as the whole-farm allowable N losses are further restricted. If N
losses are restricted to 20 percent below after-plan losses, each additional pound of N
loss reduction is achieved at a loss of nearly $5.50 in terms of net farm returns. If crop
rotations are restricted to those chosen by the farmer in the nutrient management plan,
flexible nutrient application practices can only reduce nitrogen losses by 5% below that
of the existing NM plan.
Nutrient management planning is a cost-effective process to reduce
nitrogen losses on livestock farms. On each of the studied farms, NM planning was a
win-win investment that produced significant nitrogen loss reductions and moderate farm
income increases. For livestock farms, manure storage, manure nutrient crediting, and
proper timing of applications are keys to NM success. Large N losses occur when, in the
absence of manure storage, heavy manure applications are made to limited land. Storage
also allows proper timing of applications, which creates the potential for cost savings
through reduced fertilizer purchases. Manure testing is a critical element in achieving
such cost savings. Eliminating manure applications on fields with steep slopes, even if
over applications are then made to more level fields, will have a significant impact on
reducing soil erosion and related nitrogen/phosphorus losses.
NM plans are developed on a field-by-field basis, relying on operator
preferences and NM specialist expertise to achieve a balance between profits and nutrient
losses. There appears to be a significant potential to further reduce losses with
whole-farm planning through manure routing and crop rotation selection based on field
susceptibility to nutrient losses. In order to help producers implement practices which
target the most sensitive areas of a farm, NM planners need spatially sensitive decision
support systems.
Table 1. Nutrient Loss Abatement and Changes in Net Returns, All
N loss reduction |
P loss reduction |
Income Change |
(Lbs./acre) |
(%) |
(Lbs./Acre) |
(%) |
($) |
SouthWest Dairy |
12.8 |
27 |
0 |
0 |
+395 |
Shenandoah Dairy |
20.4 |
33 |
3.7 |
0 |
+4,593 |
SouthEast Swine |
18.5 |
45 |
1.7 |
0 |
+3,014 |
Piedmont Poultry |
4.9 |
23 |
2.5 |
0 |
+2,297 |
Duda, A.M. and D.S. Finan. 1983. "Influence of Livestock on Nonpoint Source
Nutrient Levels of Streams." Transactions of American Society of Agricultural
Engineers. 26: 1710-1716.
Kingery, W.L., C.W. Wood, D.P. Delaney, J.C. Williams, and G.L. Mullins. 1994.
"Impact of long-term application of broiler litter on environmentally related soil
properties. Journal of Environmental Quality. 23-1: 139-147.
Moore, P.A., T.C. Daniel, A. N. Sharpley, and C.W. Wood. 1995. "Poultry Manure
Management: Environmentally Sound Options." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
50-3: 321-327.
Bosch, D. J., J. W. Pease, S. S. Batie, and V. O. Shanholtz. 1992. "Crop
Selection, Tillage Practices, and Chemical and Nutrient Applications in Two Regions of the
Chesapeake Bay Watershed." Virginia Water Resources Research Center Bulletin.
Parsons, R. L. 1995. "Financial Costs and Economic Tradeoffs of Alternative Manure
Management Policies on Dairy and Dairy/Poultry Farms in Rockingham County, Virginia".
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University.
Williams, J.R., C.A. Jones, J.R. Kiniry, and D.A. Spanel. 1989. "The EPIC Crop
Growth Model." Transactions of the ASAE. 32: 497-511.
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