Water in the Tucson Area: Seeking Sustainabliity
Ap. A, pp. 119 - 121
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Appendix A. Water Terms and Acronyms[continued]

Superfund - A commonly used name for the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).
Surface water - Water that flows on the surface in streams.
Terminal storage - A facility for storage of water near the end of a pipeline or canal. A facility to be used in times of water shortage in the CAP system (due, for example, to damage to the canal), that would supply water during a period of system repair or while wells are being reactivated.
Trichloroethylene (TCE) - A compound used most often for degreasing metal parts during manufacturing. Found as a pollutant in some Tucson-area groundwater, suspected of causing certain serious diseases.
Trihalomethanes (THMs) - Disinfection byproducts arising from the combination of chlorine with organic matter in the water.
Tertiary treatment - Post-secondary treatment of water designed to improve the quality of the water to the point where it can be put to a particular beneficial use.
Total dissolved solids (TDS) - A measure of the minerals dissolved in water. Up to 500 ppm is considered satisfactory and above that level increasingly unsuitable for domestic use. Tucson-area groundwater generally has TDS levels between 200 and 600 ppm; CAP water has TDS of about 700 ppm.
Transmissibility - The flow capacity of an aquifer measured in volume per unit time per unit width. Equal to the product of permeability times the saturated thickness of the aquifer.
Transmission line - A pipeline for transporting water.
Treated wastewater - The treated water that comes from a sewage treatment plant.
Treatment plant - A facility using various physical and chemical processes for treating water or wastewater. Treatment can include disinfection, filtration, adjusting the pH, adding corrosion inhibitors, and improving taste and odor.
Turbidity - The reduction of transparency in water due to the presence of suspended particles, or a cloudy appearance in the water. Increased turbidity raises the risk of water-borne pathogens growing and reproducing. Turbid water is therefore more difficult to disinfect.
Underground storage facility (USF) - A facility for artificial recharge of water supplies into an aquifer.
Underground Water Storage, Savings, and Replenishment Program (UWS) - A program administered by the ADWR to encourage the storage and/or use of renewable supplies. Rules governing permitting and operation of Underground Storage Facilities and Groundwater Savings Facilities are described under this program.
Vadose zone - The unsaturated zone lying between the earth’s surface and groundwater table.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) - Solvents used as degreasers or cleaning agents. They evaporate easily producing odors typical of gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid or dry cleaning fluid. Some may be cancer-causing.
Water main - A large pipeline which transports water to smaller distribution lines which take water to homes and businesses.
Water table - The upper boundary of a free groundwater body, at atmospheric pressure.
Wellfield - A group of wells in a particular geographic area, usually operated by one entity.
Wetlands - An area that always has water at or near the surface. A natural wetland receives its water from a groundwater source and is also called a “cienega”. A constructed, or artificial, wetland usually receives its water from some wastewater source, either agricultural, industrial or municipal.


ACC - Arizona Corporation Commission
ADEQ - Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
ADWR - Arizona Department of Water Resources
AMA - Active Management Area
APP - Aquifer Protection Permit
AVID - Avra Valley Irrigation District
AWBA - Arizona Water Banking Authority
AWS - Assured Water Supply
BADCT - Best Available Demonstrated Control Technology
BMP - Best Management Practice
CAP - Central Arizona Project
CAGRD - Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District
CAVSARP - Central Avra Valley Storage and Recovery Project
CAWCD - Central Arizona Water Conservation District
CMID - Cortaro Marana Irrigation District
DES - Arizona Department of Economic Security
DDT - Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane
EA - Environmental Assessment
EIS - Environmental Impact Statement
EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ED - Electrodialysis
ESA - Endangered Species Act
FCD - Flood Control District
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FICO - Farmers Investment Company
GMA - Arizona Groundwater Management Act of 1980
GPCD - Gallons Per Capita per Day
GPM - Gallons Per Minute
GSF - Groundwater Savings Facility
INA - Irrigation Non-Expansion Area
MF - Microfiltration
NF - Nanofiltration
NPDES - Non Point Discharge Elimination System
PAG - Pima Association of Governments
PCE - Perchloroethylene
PCHD - Pima County Health Department
PDEQ - Pima County Department of Environmental Quality
RO - Reverse Osmosis
SAT - Soil-Aquifer Treatment
SAWRSA - Southern Arizona Water Rights Settlement Act
TARP - Tucson Airport Remediation Project
TAMA - Tucson Active Management Area
TCE - Trichloroethylene
TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
THM - Trihalomethane
TSMP - Tucson Stormwater Management Plan
USF - Underground Storage Facility
USGS - United States Geological Survey
UWS - Underground Water Storage, Savings, and Replenishment Program
VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds
Water CASA - Water Conservation Alliance of Southern Arizona
WCPA - Water Consumer Protection Act
WRRC - Water Resources Research Center
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