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Publications Available

Order a set of new rainbow books

The U.S. Department of Energy's Technology Summary Reports–better known as the rainbow books because each volume has a differently colored cover–are ready for distribution. DOE's Office of Science and Technology revised the books and reprinted them in August 1996 to describe OST's specific technology development activities within each of the focus and crosscutting areas. Each book in the set contains an overview of the focus or crosscutting area, followed by summaries of OST-funded technologies. The books also provide names, addresses, and phone numbers for principal investigators and program managers. Each book ends with a chapter on DOE business opportunities that describes funding mechanisms and where to call for more information.

DOIT reports available

The Federal Advisory Committee to Develop On-site Innovative Technologies, or DOIT, passed into history on June 22, 1996. (See Initiatives, August 1996.) The lessons learned from DOIT and the final reports of its working groups are available free of charge. Call Christopher McKinnon of the Western Governors' Association at (303) 623-9378 to receive an order form.

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