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Call for papers

Symposium on Separations for Ground and Surface Water Remediation, April 1997, San Francisco, California. Sponsored by Separation Science and Technology Subdivision, Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, American Chemical Society.

This symposium will offer a forum for the discussion of research and development on basic and applied separation technologies for potential application in the remediation of ground and surface water. The scope of the presentations will include any and all separation techniques that have been applied to water remediation as well as emerging technologies that are still in the development phase. Papers reporting physical, chemical and biological separation techniques are welcome. Subject areas include (but are not limited to):

Deadline for receipt of abstracts is November 1, 1996. Abstracts must be submitted on the standard ACS abstract form, which is available by

e-mail: For more information, call Janis Pruett at (423) 574-4457; fax: (423) 576-1100.

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