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VISITT Innovative remediation technologies are growing rapidly, making it difficult to maintain current information on their status and availability. Often these technologies are not used due to a lack of performance and cost data. To help locate potential customers, the Vendor Information System for Innovative Treatment Technologies (VISITT) provides technology information to the public and private sectors.

VISITT was developed by the Technology Innovation Office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Revised annually, VISITT, version 1.0, contained 97 vendors and 155 technologies. VISITT, version 3.0, contains 170 vendors and 277 innovative technologies. VISITT, version, 4.0, is scheduled for release this year.

Technologies contained in VISITT are useful for treating soil, sludge, solids, and natural sediments, both in-situ and ex-situ. The system also addresses the treatment of groundwater, in-situ, and off-gas generated by innovative treatment systems. Examples of VISITT treatment technologies are in-situ bioremediation, electrical separation, soil washing, and vitrification. Containment technologies, technologies routinely used to treat industrial waste, technologies that measure or monitor wastes, incineration, solidification-stabilization, and methods of treating aqueous wastes above ground are not included in VISITT.

EPA's Vendor Information Form generates information in the VISITT system. Innovative treatment technology vendors submit performance information, but this information is not evaluated, endorsed, or supported by EPA. The performance information is grouped into two parts: General Vendor Information and Other Information Options. The General Vendor Information lists the vendor's name, address, technology type and trade name, the technology's status, an indication of the vendor's participation in EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation Program, trademark and patent information, the contact's name and phone number, the vendor's Standard Industrial Classification code, and whether or not the vendor is listed as a small business. The Other Information Options part provides technology descriptions and performance data.

Users can search the system according to individual needs. Entire records or portions of the records retrieved from the system can be printed or saved. The program is an easy-to-use menu-driven system. HELP windows are provided throughout the system. Search criteria can be selected by contaminate group, contaminate data, media, waste source, technology type, scale, vendor name, trade name, state/province, country, and business size.

VISITT is free. A User's Manual is sent with each set of VISITT diskettes. For more information about VISITT call the VISITT Hotline at (800) 245-4505. To register as a VISITT user, fax the information below to (513) 891-6685 or mail it to U.S. EPA/NCEPI, P.O. Box 42419, Cincinnati, Ohio 45242-0419. Indicate whether the request is to order VISITT or to only register as a VISITT user.

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