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Publications Available

Answering the question of future use

Charting the Course: The Future Use Report, produced by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Field Management in April 1996, contains recommendations for the future use of 15 DOE sites. By planning for the beneficial reuse of DOE land, facilities, and equipment formerly used in nuclear weapons research and development, DOE can focus on selecting appropriate cleanup goals, environmental technologies, and reasonable maximum exposure scenarios.

In developing future use recommendations, the sites involved interested and affected publics. The sites also considered existing regulatory agreements, site characteristics, natural resources, cultural and historic resources, contamination profiles, technological feasibility, and cost implications.

To obtain copies of these reports, call DOE's Center for Environmental Management Information at (800) 736-3282. If calling from Washington, D.C., call (202) 863- 5084

ETCAP cost analyses aid technology transfer

The Environmental Technology Cost-Savings Analysis Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory independently analyzes the potential cost savings that can be achieved by successfully implementing U.S. Department of Energy innovative environmental technologies. ETCAP team members apply expertise in economics, engineering, technology assessment, and life-cycle costing. Demonstrating a technology's superior performance and reliability confirms the benefits of DOE's investment and helps launch an effective marketing campaign to potential customers.

ETAP has researched and published over 30 cost-effectiveness analyses in the past year alone. For copies of their publications list, contact Steven Booth, ETCAP project leader at (505) 667-9422; or e-mail him at

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