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Publications Available

Business opportunities in Poland

The U.S. Department of Commerce's Central and Eastern Europe Business Information Center began publishing Poland Looks for Partners in September. The monthly publication is designed to help U.S. companies locate opportunities and expand existing business activities in Poland.

According to CEEBIC, Poland is one of 10 countries in the Commerce Department's Big Emerging Market program. As reported in the first edition of the newsletter, Poland is the fastest growing significant economy in Europe. Total imports in Poland have increased from $8 billion in 1990 to more than $16 billion in 1994.

Each issue of the newsletter will include information about exporting and joint-venture opportunities, business tips, industry overviews, and upcoming events.

To subscribe to the free newsletter, fax your name, company name, address, phone, fax, and industry affiliation to CEEBIC, Attn.: Poland BEM program, (202) 482-4473. Additional information, including daily updates from the U.S. Embassy in Poland, is available from CEEBICNet, CEEBIC's Internet homepage at ceebic.html . You can also directly connect to the Poland BEM homepage at .

Call for papers

HSRC/WERC Joint Conference on the Environment

The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Hazardous Substance Research Center and the Waste Management Education and Research Consortium announce a call for papers to be presented May 21-23 at the HSRC/WERC Joint Conference on the Environment in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Oral and poster presentations are sought on the following topics:



Risk and perception

Analytical methods

Vegetative remediation

Pollution prevention

Environmental fate and transport

Nuclear waste storage

To contribute a paper, submit an abstract prepared according to the style guide, which can be obtained by calling the Hazardous Substance Research Center at Kansas State University. The phone number is (913) 532-6519. Abstracts are due February 1, 1996.

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