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Internet sites worth a visit

Looking for some useful Web sites? Here are highlights of three Internet resources.
The National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council are located at this site. Membership information, an e-mail directory, mailing address, and employment opportunities are available at the site, along with publications, reports, and information about 14 focus areas.
The Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) Web site contains information about 46 environmental restoration sites in 14 states. Highlighting the St. Louis Remediation Task Force, the Web site also contains a site list, general project information, new releases and newsletters, and FUSRAP technical papers. Questions and comments about the site can be answered using the feedback button at the bottom of each page on the site.
DOE's Environment, Safety and Health (ES&H) Technical Information Services provides safety and health professionals with reliable, accurate, and current information. The site contains links to services, missions, and organizations of ES&H. It is available in a text or graphic version.

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