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Reach out and touch Technology Touchstone
The National Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit College in West Virginia offers a free newsletter on federal technology opportunities. A spring issue of the four-pager included an article on how NTTC helped a corporation investigate markets for its products. Other stories focused on agencies that promote access to information on technology transfer opportunities and partnerships between NTTC and companies.

To begin receiving Technology Touchstone, call (800) 678-6882. The NTTC Homepage on the Internet is at

RFF sponsors seminars
Resources For the Future is sponsoring a series of weekly seminars where RFF staff, invited scholars, and policy makers discuss current research projects or public policy issues. Held each Wednesday from noon until 2:00 p.m., the seminars are at RFF, 1616 P Street, NW, Washington, D.C. in the seventh floor conference room. Seminar announcements are available on the Internet. RFF's World Wide Web server is available at

Founded in 1952, RFF provides independent research and policy analysis about natural resources and the environment. The group performs basic and applied research in three divisions: Energy and Natural Resources, Quality of the Environment, and Center for Risk Management.

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