New Campus - EPA RTP

August 18, 2000

Percent of Completion
77% 5% 0%

Main Campus - Construction is over 77% complete. The Contractor projects an on-time completion by February 2001. Occupancy is planned to begin in early to mid 2001.

Environmental - Clarks' construction waste recycling operation is over 90% recovery, and 18.6 million pound of construction debris have been diverted from the landfill to date. Waste streams being recycled include concrete, masonry, wood, metals, gypsum wall board, cardboard, and paper. Clark has established no-smoking and no eating zones in the building to control indoor environmental quality.

National Computer Center - The U.S. General Service Administration awarded a $21.2 million contract to Beers Construction Company, Raleigh, NC, to design and build a 100,000 square-foot facility for the EPA's National Computer Center. The center will be located on the agency's new campus in Research Triangle Park. Beers Construction Company was given notice to proceed under the GSA contract on March 20, and completion is scheduled for September 19, 2001. The clearing of site is underway and should be completed by the middle of August. A contract was awarded to Powerlight Inc. in early July. The order was for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic cells that will be installed on the roof. The cells will supplement the power requirements by providing an alternate source of electricity to the National Computer Center.

Child Care Center - The Child Care Center is expected to begin in late 2000 or early 2001. The center will serve both EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

Project Funding - The new EPA campus construction is fully funded at $272.7 million.

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