New Campus - EPA RTP

Why is a Green Building Important?

The Building Sector of our nation's economy includes the acquisition of raw materials, the manufacture of building supplies, transportation, construction, and the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the built environment. These activities are important sources of environmental pollutants and environmental impacts. For example, The Sustainable Building Technical Manual , which was developed by Public Technology, Inc states that annually on a global basis building construction consumes 40 percent of the raw stone, gravel, and sand, 25 percent of the virgin wood, 40 percent of the energy, and 16 percent of the water used. Building a "green" building presents us with an opportunity as a decision maker and a consumer to select materials and services that use less polluting processes and thereby reduce the associated environmental impacts. It also enables us as EPA to demonstrate our commitment to our role as stewards of the environment. Or, to put it simply, building "green" is the right thing to do.

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