New Campus - EPA RTP

Potential IAQ Impact
Building Site Site building such that prevailing wind is to the rear side.
Separate exhaust from intakes by more than 100 feet. Maximize separation between parking and air intakes.
Minimizes entrainment of outside unconditioned air at main entrance.
Minimizes reentrainment of laboratory exhausts at air intakes.
Reduces potential for vehicular exhaust in building.
Location of parking garages Relocate from under building to a separate parking structure away from the building. Reduces potential for vehicle exhaust entering building.
Location of air intake and laboratory exhaust stacks Based on modelling and wind tunnel study -- increase exhaust stack heights and locate air intake vents based on prevailing winds. Minimizes reentrainment of laboratory exhausts into air intakes.
Radon Specialized venting of the zone below the floor slab is unnecessary due to low radon levels from site-specific testing. Requires appropriate HVAC air change schedule and loading pressurization.
Delivery/loading zone Maintain neutral pressure in area with supply and exhaust. Eliminates entrainment of delivery vehicle exhaust.
Landscaping Select low-maintenance and nonsporulating plants.
Use plants as a barrier for vehicle exhaust.
Reduces intake of spores or fertilizer and other chemicals entering building.
Potential for minimizing vehicle exhaust entrainment in building exits.
Laboratory exhaust hoods Install flow gauges and alarms Provides warning of air contaminants present in laboratory areas due to loss of air flow.
Moisture accumulation Install drain pans pitched toward drainpipe. Reduces moisture in system that could result in bacteria contaminants introduced through HVAC system.
Humidity control No moisture carry-over into system. Minimizes HVAC system moisture and resultant bacterial contaminants due to moisture.
System maintenance Provide access panels at all duct work appurtenances, and ample clearance around equipment. Increases ease of maintaining HVAC system
Outside ventilation rate 100% outdoor air in laboratories; 20cfm/person in offices.
Increase outside air ventilation rate 20% to accommodate unexpected sources.
Maximizes removal of air contaminants and provides occupant comfort.
Minimizes occupant exposure to contaminants.
Airflow efficiency Fan-powered air terminal boxes rejected due to cost and high maintenance. Not required since ADPI equal to or greater than 80% should be achievable.
If more circulation is needed after balancing, fans can be retrofitted.
Air cleaning Use ASHRAE 85% efficiency filters with some areas using HEPA filters.
Provide filters on some laboratory exhausts. Design for ability to add air cleaning to laboratory exhaust ductwork.
Bird-proof mesh screens.
Minimizes dust and other aerosols from entering the indoor air via HVAC.
Minimizes release of contaminants to ambient air.
Eliminates bird droppings and resulting microorganisms from infecting HVAC
Thermal control Central control system
Fixed windows
Occupants control temperature by calling system manager; less control by individual occupants.
Optimum control of temperature and pressure. Eliminates unconditioned air entering the building. Maintains positive pressure in laboratories.
Exhaust system 100% exhaust for photocopying rooms,laboratories, food preparation areas.
Photocopiers located within 10 feet of exhaust vents
Eliminates potential to recirculate air contaminants and odors throughout the building via HVAC system.
Controls potential source of air contaminants; recirculated air is filtered prior to return to system
Smoking Designate building as nonsmoking.Outside smoking areas will be situated away from building to avoid reentrainment. Eliminates occupant exposure to environmental tobacco smoke hazards.
Building materials,finishes, furnishings Using existing furnishings to maximum extent. Minimizes occupant exposure to contaminants as a result of building materials, finishes, and furnishings off gassing.
Corrosion inhibitors Inhibitors will not contain volatile amines. Eliminates exposure to certain air contaminants.
Carpooling/bikepathsDesignate priority parking spaces for carpools. Install showers to encourage biking, walking. Reduces vehicular exhaust to ambient air and potential for reentrainment in building from parking facilities.
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