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Xeriscape Principles

Get a soil analysis. Have a county cooper-ative extension service analyze soil samples from various areas of your yard. This analysis will tell you the level of acidity or alkalinity in your soil. This information will help you decide which plants will work best in your yard.
Plan your landscape. Evaluate the conditions of your yard for sunny and shady areas throughout the day and seasons, and for wet and dry areas. Determine how you will use sections of the yard, and how tall and wide you want mature plants to be.
Choose the proper plants. Determine each plant’s need for sun, shade, soil and water, and its tolerance for cold or salt. Match the plant’s needs to the appropriate spot in your landscape. Ask a landscape professional to help you choose native plants.
Use grass wisely. Grass is often your yard’s biggest water user. Save grass for areas where children or pets will play. In other areas, consider mulch or groundcover.
Irrigate efficiently. Group plants together according to their water needs. Place plants that need moisture in moist areas and plants that need less water in drier areas. Turf areas and planting beds should always be in seperate irrigation zones.
Mulch. Mulch holds moisture in the soil, adds nutrients, reduces weed growth and slows erosion. Spread several inches of mulch, such as wood chips, pine straw or leaves, around shrubs, trees and in flower beds.
Maintain your yard. Mow, weed, prune and irrigate as needed. Xeriscape landscaping reduces maintenance needs in your yard, but won’t eliminate yard work.

The term Xeriscape is a registered trademark of Denver Water in Denver, Colo. Before using the word Xeriscape, be certain to obtain written permission from this authority. Write to Denver Water, 1600 West 12th Ave., Denver, CO 80254, or call (303) 628-6325.

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